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Gpx files won't upload to wahoo elemnt app or komoot. 6 6042 Hi Anthony,We can certainly look into it further, but we definitely haven't changed anyth...
New paths 4 452 Hi Cindy,Thanks for taking out Premium membership and for your support.We donrsquo;t actu...
OS Maps Issue 3 130 Ordnance Survey appears to have fixed the issue with OS lesiure maps, so we've now reinst...
App no longer works 2 123 Sorted. Uninstalled amp; reinstalled ...
Swing gates auto-plot issue 2 153 Hi Pieter - I'm not sure without looking into to it further, but I think it could be due ...
Sync to Garmin Connect stopped working ? 8 254 All good, thanks. All of the queued routes are now safely in Garmin Connect....
Search routes by route name is difficult. 4 166 Glad that helped. I think the search term needs to be a word or a phrase, rather than jus...
Annoying Sidebar 2 140 Hi,Thanks for subscribing, much appreciated. You should only see the side bar in the rout...
Some waypoint symbols not mapped to GPX 5 283 Thanks for that insight....
Route Timer Not Working 3 154 Timer working ok again now. Thanks for the speedy fix....
Map jumps around in navigation mode 4 305 Hi Jacqui,It's hard to know why without more details. I would check your Auto-Plot switc...
Route description missing in GPX 2 199 Thanks for that suggestion....
Starred routes no longer being sent to Garmin Connect 3 198 Thanks for the reply, I'll give this a shot!...
Can't print (white screen) 2 160 Thanks for letting us know - we'll look into it. ...
Weird/broken waypoint names in FIT files 5 189 Waypoint name limitation comes from a tcx to gpx conversion ?1. In tcx max 10/15 (Name/No...
My routes and delete a route on my list 5 221 Hi - we've found the reason why you couldn't delete some of your routes. It was related t...
Unit label always miles in filter search results dialog 2 169 Thanks for flagging that up Winfried and for your very helpful steps to reproduce the iss...
Waiting for accurate location signal 6 260 Sorry Nik, I meant Chrome. It's best not to rely on it in remote areas anyway, as it need...
Unable to Plot Trails on Map 13 298 Thank you everyone...
Frequently missing Street View links (in Northern France) 4 158 Working fine now. Fantastic service as always. Thank you....
Virtual Partner goes back in time 14 285 That's great news! I can hardly wait until the DEM incorporates these other sources....
Detour not showing when I add route to a collection 2 170 Hi Julie - I'm afraid detours aren't currenlty supported in Route Collections....
Direction Arrows 6 1505 Routing (on PC, say) or while navigating with a mobile device?...
Bulk Actions - Add Routes to Empty Collection 3 178 Thanks!...
Some direction symbols not exported as proper FIT course point types 18 302 I have successfully verified the list of supported types when downloading a FIT file, in ...