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Editing an uploaded route - unable to auto-plot 6 1227 Hi DeAnne - Sorry you've had some problems getting to grips with the site. Firstly, I'm ...
GPX Route empty (off track mode) 3 859 Okay, that wasn't obviuous to me..thx!It works well..just need to change my way of plotti...
Marker won't go down a certain path 5 1074 Hi - I'm afraid it's difficult for me to answer that. My guess is that it the Auto-Route...
Miles maxed out? 2 619 Hi Brian - For some reaosn the distance recorded for the route on our system was only 800...
SECURITY CERTIFICATE ISSUE 2 855 Hi Gary - Yes, the site is secure and has an up to date security certifcate, so I think i...
Plotting bug 4 712 Hi - thanks for flagging this up. There are sometimes occasions when the routing service...
Plotting roots whilst not signed in 3 689 Thanks for your response - I have not been able to replicate the behaviour - so treating ...
Error when logging in via IOS 3 681 Thanks...
SPAM Challenges 2 701 Thanks for flagging this up Ian.John ...
Garmin Communicator plugin not recognised in Safari 10 4 2129 @John ... thanks for the detail. A shame that that's happened. The link was really useful...
Very difficult to plot a route using google maps 1 964 At times the route plotter insists on changing routes to a route you don't want. It does...
Bookmarks - Deleting when menu goes off screen 3 867 Thanks for flagging these issues up. Fixed have now been implemented for both of these.J...
Some Turns give wrong direction? 6 962 It sounds like that's the explanation then - if you clicked past the junction you wanted ...
Wrong route loaded from suggested routes 2 716 Thanks for flagging this up David. Do you recall which page you were on when you clicked...
Creating a route with OSM layer 1 886 I'm trying to create routes by using the OSM map with cycle paths highlighted. OSM map is...
Negative elevation data in GPX export 1 878 In my area (I guess elevation data is not available) GPX export always produces a file wh...
Reduced Points 2 952 Hi - I've not heard of this problem happening before and it's hard for me to know why fro...
Reverse-route data corruption? 3 884 Thanks. Sorry, I didn't see the feature request before posting....
Not enough points 2 856 I've not heard of that before! Maybe the device got confused about where it was on the r...
Labels "slip" when printing 4 795 It seems to work OK for me in Chrome, so maybe its a problem with the print driver for th...
Edge 520 and timer/speed error 2 1089 I tried the whole process again and this time it seems to have worked as planned. Not su...
Loading hill data never finnishes 7 1175 Google earth has elevation data for this area if that is easier to use....
Clicking on arrows selects a different point 2 867 Hi Heather - it's difficult for me to be sure without seeing what you're doing but I thin...
Can't use files once downloaded 7 1607 It works thank you!I'm really impressed by the speed at which you fixed that issue. The w...
Email address - mobile site 2 871 Hi Colin - I think it must be a typo as both the mobile and desktop versions use the same...