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Route Profile Sharing URL: maxy attribute not working 1 128 When viewing the route profile, you have a share button that gives the URL so that we can...
Edit Route page has tons of random Russian roads 8 256 If changes are new on OSM, they can appear updated on one zoom level and not updated on a...
Calories 1 131 Is it correct that walking calories burned at slow paces are showing as burning more calo...
World topographic map with contour lines 2 190 Hi,thank you for warning us. We will try to fix it in the next weeks.Thank your for your ...
delete and replot section 8 2318 Hi,you can't. They indicate the number of km/miles of the route.Kind regards...
Unable to find my location 4 299 Hi,indeed it can depend on the device : the gps quality is different on certains devices ...
Elevation profile for tunnels. 7 876 RideWithGPS auto corrects for tunnels and bridges, or you can do it manually. They expla...
Printing issues 2 190 Hi,The functionality "print using browser" has been developped for users who don't want t...
Download Issues 9 321 Hi, could you send screenshots to admin@plotaroute.com?Kind regards,Helene...
Missing menu from embedded routes 1 102 Hi!I have a problem with the embedded routes (WP page). No one can download them because ...
Embedded route on my website shows on PC but not mobile. 2 180 I also embedded many routes into my WP page and they works fine on mobile (latest iOS)....
Website not displaying 4 221 Everything fine again here ! Congratulations and thanks to the staff for this very prompt...
Sync with Garmin preserves track/route status of original upload 2 196 Good investigation!...
Can't Always Route Between Two Paths 5 229 I left a comment on the changeset that added the locked gate, the OSM contributor who add...
Routing engine updates 5 342 Things are not as they were, since the take-over ..... ...
Suunto not importing turn by turn 5 259 That one is ok, but there are others that are not. Let me try and find one. ...
Satellite Map Not Working 2 225 28/2/2024 05:27 Working now :)...
Bug on My Routes page? 3 209 Thanks, it's probably my machine. Useful to have it confirmed....
Save the Route 5 333 Are you using the desktop or mobile app? If teh desktop, are you clicking this?...
Selecting routes to be displayed in collections 13 455 100 Route Collection from My Routes Bulk Actions...
Mobile App ? 6 330 :)...
plot a route not sending data 2 235 Hi,do you encounter this difficulty on your smartphone or on your PC?Are you connected to...
One way systems 7 295 Thanks Arnaud. Much appreciated...
404 error code when attempting download of route 9 318 The issue with downloading a route from within the Facebook app is not something we can e...
Pixel Android Back/Forward Commands Triggered while panning map 2 189 Thanks for this feedback Eric. Which browser and version of Android are you using?...