Popular Routes
If changes are new on OSM, they can appear updated on one zoom level and not updated on another due to changes not beeing syncronized on all levels. I've seen that when doing changes myself.
I would add to my previous comment about 'Russian roads' is that they only appear at a certain level of zoom, if you zoom in until they appear, zoom in further and they disappear, reappear as you zoom out and disappear as you zoom out further. I am using the Cycle map option.
yes OSM still encounters problems. The OSM team does all its best to stop this situation.
Kind regards,
Similar problems of 'Russian roads' found yesterday, hope it is soon sorted
Hello still lots of Russian roads and other coruptions - scren shot from 13.50 BST 17 june 24
OSM has known again an act of vandalism. It should be corrected in the next hours.Kind regards.