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Convert outline drawing to gps route 1 219 Hi,is there an app that will take a simple outlined drawing ie: a heart and then map it o...
create a challenge for a "virtual" run ? 6 263 You'll need to enable location permissions in your browser, as this page needs that to wo...
"View Route" page - Uneditable text 7 267 Excellent. That sounds like the best of both worlds. Thanks for taking time to consider a...
Location problem 6 424 Hi Ian - if it can't detect your location it is likely to be a permission issue of some s...
Mapping plotaroute symbols to Garmin fit/Up ahead symbols 12 572 Ok, thanks for the info.I think I remember now what I meant with the dummy course points ...
Waypoints: None vs POI vs Directions? 8 535 Ok John.Are there any bikers in your group who navigate with Android smartphone ? I looke...
Adding images to forum posts 9 261 Can't see an obvious way .... ...
import GPX file with multiple sections 5 317 One more thing I forgot to mention is I had to load a Android simulator (Bluestacks X ) ...
PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS 15 878 Great, thanks for upgrading. We've fixed the problem you had, so if you like the Premium ...
How do I get saved locations from my watch into Plotaroute 2 347 Hi Stefan - Plotaroute isn't currently designed for importing locations only routes. You...
Map is locked 2 245 Hi Paul - there is a lock symbol next to the Auto-Plot switches at the top of the map - c...
Mobile App, Navigation Maps 15 514 "It's possible their app uses some kind of map matching" It is :-)) Ask google to show ...
Route name 2 305 Not sure Peter, but that might be one to ask Wahoo. Try opening the file you downloaded f...
Voice Audio Navigation - Bike Tracker 9 1396 Looking at the description on the websites, it doesn't look like Cyclope will guide the r...
Combine route autoplots to my house 3 283 Very curious. If there are no routes open, and I start using the Combine Routes function...
Permission 2 351 Hi Susan - the Hybrid maps are provided by Esri and their copyright terms dont allow use ...
Converting gpx files for Twonav Cross 1 297 Converting gpx files with directions created on for use in Twonav Cross1. ...
Bookmarked location 9 454 Thanks for your response. My problem this morning seems to have been resolved. ...
Lets Talk About My Routes 1 306 Hi guys, in this forum, we can talk, share and comment about my routes and your opinions ...
Context menu button 2 307 Hi George - can you send us a screenshot please via our Contact Us page so we can see the...
Custom Course points ? 2 356 Yes, you can add custom instructions in the directions panel of the route planner. See th...
Plotting in straight lines 3 286 Do you have the Auto-Plot switch turned off? This needs to be on to follow roads and path...
Gin, guns and Forests route in London Cyclist magazine 3 410 That's the badger, thanks....
Combining Tracks 2 290 Hi John - yes, you can join several routes together on plotaroute. Select Combine Routes ...
Has there been a change to the auto routing algorithm? 4 343 The By Bike setting with "Avoid Unpaved" selected should give lower priority to major roa...