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Openstreetmap edits 2 1082 Hi Pat - Are you referring to the Auto-Plot feature? You can plot anywhere on the map wi...
USA Coast to Coast Run 6 1003 OK, I've done that Alex. It now has just under 26,000 points instead of 51,800 - still a...
Routes appear as tracks on Garmin eTrex 30 3 2788 Hi John,Thanks for the information - I'll give that a go. I think that would definitely b...
editing routes 3 1041 Thank you - that works v well....
Excellent route planning solution 5 1670 I am practically giddy with excitement. I love love love the fact that the topo uses Open...
navigation with created maps 1 1680 Hi I'm new to this app and think it's great has anyone been able to use it to navigate w...
Speed Info ? 2 1217 Hi Peter - We don't import speed data into plotaroute at present. We've taken the decisi...
Samsung galaxy tablet and Garmin Touring 2 1145 Hi Steve - You should certainly be able to use use plotroute on your Galaxy tablet. I'm ...
Sorting with routes neartest to my location? 2 898 Hi - Yes, you can search for routes near a specified location with our route finder. The...
navigation with created maps 1 1093 Hi guys using the osmand app on android store once you have created a route download gpx ...
Can anyone edit a route? 2 990 No need to worry, you can't save changes to someone else's routes. If you load up someon...
Direction of suggested routes 3 887 Thanks, I'll give that a try....
Changing start point 2 2496 Hi David - you just need to drag the start marker (A) to where you want the new start poi...
TomTom 2 1038 Hi Steve - it's not something we have coming up in the immediate future but we can look i...
download route 5 1949 Hi Sam - I've done a quick bit of research into this and there seems to be a lot of repor...
Homepage 3 1185 Quick update...we've just added a new personal dashboard feature to the home page, which ...
at what slope does "level" become uphill? 2 1549 Hi Joel - I think the reason the profile appears more undulating than the percentages sug...
Plot a Route Button 2 1521 Hi Mark - thanks for the questions, if you were wondering this then I suspect others may ...
Marry Me - Proposal By Route! 1 7185 I came across this story the other day and had to share it with you. A runner proposed t...