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Tracking a route 4 26 Martin,That is definitely a question for Julien/PR!! I have not tried to link to Visorand...
Deutsch / German 5 62 Aha, seltsam ...Gerne schaue ich mir dann ein Screenshot an wenn das nochmal passiert, ab...
Tutorial Videos in German 5 54 Hallo Lutz,Ich habe gerade eine neue Diskussion erstellt, um auf Deutsch zu schreiben, do...
Premium 2 41 Membership Options...
Radio Amateur seeks high road 3 61 Thanks Mark . I have just found the ideal app to do the job.Thanks, Noel...
Importing GPX & Elevation 3 74 I think this ended up being the solution to my problem:
Virtual Partner / Route Timer - PlotaRoute vs Garmin 9 171 @Marcos Saad Like I said, "Plotaroute only embeds the timing information in TCX files. So...
"Trails" Map Layer 1 52 Hi,Just wondering where the "Trails" map layer comes from?On the OSM site I can see the S...
Map Key 4 93 Alison,Do you mean?The free maps are based on Open StreetMap and its variants (walking, c...
Offline maps 5 112 Quadlock ... best there is!...
Climb categories not much use? 1 68 I am fairly new to PR. I have only just noticed the Climb Category concept, and thought I...
Future of Plotaroute? 17 425 Hi Gary,thank you for your feedback.your confidence in our tools is important.Unfortunate...
Can I upload a list of waypoints via .CSV or excel to plot a route? 2 79 Hi,this functionality is not developped. But you can use the functionality "Plot with way...
Ad deletion 9 438 I can understand the desire of people who host races to have a no ads version. I don't so...
Worst app ever for editing 2 183 Editing a route is very eay, once you know how. Your subject title is not really fairFor ...
REDUCING THE NUMBER OF POINTS ON A ROUTE 3 179 Hi,it is the normal working ont the webiste.Kind regards,...
Audio recordings that automatically play based on a geo location 2 173 Hi,the navigation voice of the app has been developped to indicate only directions ("turn...
Overview map with mulltiple routes 4 170 Wow! Thank you!...
Real application 2 256 We have no plans at present to replicate all the functionality of Plotaroute in a native ...
Singapore 1 164 If you are from Singapore, so am I! ...
Northern Scotland 2 178 CHALLENGE - North Highland Way...
Plot A to B 4 186 Dooh! thank you both, looking too deep I guess....
Adjustment for hills & grades 7 280 Thank you Mark....
How are distances calculated? 3 211 Thanks. My laymen observations would thus indicate that GPS data for short rides are very...
Crossed Hammers 4 222 North of Eynsham (which is west of Oxford) the nearest main road is the A40 and it looks ...