Virtual Partner / Route Timer - PlotaRoute vs GarminFORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Marcos Saad Wednesday 28 Aug 2024 14:51:46


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    Helene Plotaroute   Wednesday 28 Aug 2024 08:34:44


    you may have used the advanced settings of the timer.

    When exporting the hike, the timestamp of the points is transmitted, depending on the speed parameters entered previously. The problem is that Garmin's Virtual Partner does not necessarily use them and calculates in its own way. It may be possible to deactivate it in Garmin. 

    The problem comes from Garmin. 

    Kind regards. 

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    Marcos Saad Friday 21 Jun 2024 21:23:12


    Route Timer works like a charme on Plotaroute app. Its "EST. TIME TO FINISH" produces a really VERY GOOD estimate.

    Nonethless when saving a given route (as an exemple) the app shows a VIRTUAL PARTNER "speed on flat adjusted for hills, let's say on the value of 19.42kph but the 'AVERAGE SPEED" that had generetade the reliable ETE was 13.92kph...

    When I upload that route in a Garmin device it shows a ETE based on the 19,42kph pure and simple so the device gives a totally wrong ETE.

    My question is: Doesn't PlotaRoute alter the time on each "coursepoint" based on the adjusted hill?

    Thank you,

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