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Gradient anomaly 3 961 Hi William - thanks for flagging these up. Looking at the first one (Lourdes to Perpigna...
Problems with "Make a Route" feature 2 946 This is likely to be due to the fact that the routing service can't route to the start po...
A problem has occurred..... 2 1133 Thanks for flaging this up Jacqui. I haven't seen this happen myself or had any other rep...
Down load 18 1076 That's fantastic, thanks for letting us know. And thanks again for flagging this up - so...
print 1 page overflows to 2 pages 6 1120 Thank you....
Download to iPhone problem 6 2351 If the GPX file is opening successfuly in your apps when emailed I think the direct downl...
Destination marker follows me everywhere! 5 1130 Hi Steven - I can't seem to be able to reproduce this here. Would you mind letting me kn...
Garmin Communicator Plug In 2 1343 Hi Mark - We haven't changed anything at our end but unfortunately browsers are starting ...
re plot and delete tools 8 1481 Thanks John for your help. The problem that I have is when I delete a section between, le...
GPX Routes not recognised by other sites and devices 7 4434 Thanks for the update. I beleive that I have to allow the SatMap hard/software to do the ...
Route lines not showing up on print outs of maps. 3 1735 Thanks John.Will give it a try later.Chrome seems to have many flaws......
Route Profile Tool doesn't render unless Google AdSense is permitted through? 2 1299 Thanks for flagging this up David. Where you have third party software modifying the bro...
How to ruin a great website... 14 1663 Try using Cmd + minus to shrink the browser window's elements, which should increase the ...
GPX file and elevation data.. 2 1493 Hi Si - Yes, the elevation data should be there. If you open the GPX file in a text edit...
Working out an A to B route takes forever 2 1019 Hi Mirko - It seems to be working OK for me here, so it may be just a problem for certain...
'Make me a route' not working any more 4 1201 Found the problem - seemed to only affect Safari. A fix has been applied, so all should ...
Top Navigation Bar 2 1025 Thanks for the suggestion Peter. It should be possible for us to implement this. I'll a...
Password Managers 2 1026 Thanks for mentioning this Peter. I'm not familiar with the software I'm afraid and it's...
Route Profile Tool 1 1238 Hi,The route profile tool is great, but I'm noticing a very minor issue. When I hover ov...
Passo Stelvio 6 1235 Thanks John. Yes, I can load it as a path thanks. But not as a map.Without understanding ...
3D view 2 1033 Unfortunately some browsers are starting to withdraw support for plugins like the Google ...
Touch Screen stops working 2 1028 Thanks for flagging this up Keith - we'll have a look into it.John...
Printer alignment issues 4 1226 Hi Jay - Thanks for confirming the browser you are using. Did you have any success with ...
title in distance column of "my routes" is Km regardless of units 4 1083 Thanks for the kind feedback about the site Michael - that is much appreciated.I'm please...
button "print km/mile markers" out of function 4 1123 I'm pleased to say this has been fixed now. Thanks again for reporting this.John...