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Mobile view issues 4 606 Dear John,Thanks for the updates.I've been away for a week or so and enjoyed using Plotar...
Getting Logged Out 15 594 As far as I can tell cookies should be saved between sessions. I understand that it's nea...
saving route 2 681 Can you give me a bit more information about what happens please? Is the problem just wi...
Premium version on 2 computers 2 573 Hi Ron - no, you only need one Premium account. Did you possibly sign in with a differen...
unable to upload tcx files to Garmin Edge 510 V.6.10 10 2497 That's great - thanks for confirming and for your help resolving this.John...
Upload Bug when Route Overlaps 5 617 This should be working OK now. We've changed the route upload process to choose tbe next...
Missing Label On Profile Graph 7 638 It could be a browser cache issue - it works OK in Chrome for me here. Are you looking a...
Photos lost when joining two routes 21 759 Dear John,All done, I think. It was a bit of a marathon but I got there in the end. The ...
Embedding Public Route 3 510 Embedded routes can be cached by the browser for up to 24 hours, so if it was initially p...
How to remove a loop? 2 607 You could try using the Delete Homestretch feature, which lets you drag the finish point ...
Adding outside loops to a complex route adds a 10 meter false loop. 2 660 Hi Alan - it's very difficult to edit sections of a route like this where they are severa...
Site Certificate Issue? 5 613 yep, working now for me. Thanks for the update...
API KAY REQUIRED 2 686 Thanks for flagging this up. A fix has been applied so it should be OK now.John...
Share a link to my routes 9 974 Ok John, I'll figure it out. Thanks for the help....
correction: able to SAVE.. 1 550 ...but it's not intuitive. suggest a brief tutorial / sitemap, I think that would help...
Printed map is buggy 2 592 Hi Julian - it's hard to know why this is happening, I think if I tried it from here it w...
Screen size 2 638 I think you must have accidentally zoomed in at some point and Safari probably remembers ...
Max Distance? 7 1094 Thanks very much, I will give that a go....
Maps do not reliable refresh 3 619 Thanks for the reply, hope the following helps.Update: I've cleared the browser (Firefox)...
Replot slider bar not working properly 5 644 Thanks!...
Various Peak Heights on Paths view incorrect 3 741 Thats a fair enough alright. Different Points of view.The only thing thats odd is Mullagh...
Still getting adverts after paying for Ad-free Membership 5 694 John,Very many thanks for maintaining a listeneing ear. It is not altoghether usual thes...
Route planner does no longer show OSM map 2 638 Hi Nigel - It seems to work OK here. Is this on the mobile site or the desktop site? Can...
Printed directions language 4 713 Hi Marco - There's some information about changing the language of the directions in this...
Notes Over Multiple LInes 4 680 Thanks John, that looks great now....