Adding outside loops to a complex route adds a 10 meter false loop. FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 24 Aug 2017 15:35:40

    Hi Alan - it's very difficult to edit sections of a route like this where they are several overlapping loops.  The best thing I can suggest is to replot it.  

    If you have a course with several laps and a start section that joins up with the laps, I would recommend plotting and saving the laps as a separate route - you can use the Repeat a Route feature (under the Plot menu) to repeat the laps the required number of time once you've plotted one lap.  Then you can plot a route with just the start section up to the point where it joins the laps and use the Combine Routes feature (under the Plot menu) to join on the laps to the start section.  You can then plot the final leg to the finish.  This will enable you to address any issues with the laps more easily.

    Hope that helps.


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    Alan Caroe Thursday 24 Aug 2017 02:30:03

    When I added loops to this NCAA and USATF course, I could not produce a smooth outer loop. A strange, 10 meter short loop shows up along Wells street where the street is divided. How do I get the starting green dot and an ending red dot of the extra outer loops to overlap and avoid this nagging and false tiny loop? Otherwise, this is a great program. Here is the map that is currently public:

    Please help.

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