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Gin, guns and Forests route in London Cyclist magazine 3 408 That's the badger, thanks....
Plotting in straight lines 3 284 Do you have the Auto-Plot switch turned off? This needs to be on to follow roads and path...
Custom Course points ? 2 354 Yes, you can add custom instructions in the directions panel of the route planner. See th...
Context menu button 2 305 Hi George - can you send us a screenshot please via our Contact Us page so we can see the...
Lets Talk About My Routes 1 305 Hi guys, in this forum, we can talk, share and comment about my routes and your opinions ...
Bookmarked location 9 451 Thanks for your response. My problem this morning seems to have been resolved. ...
Converting gpx files for Twonav Cross 1 295 Converting gpx files with directions created on for use in Twonav Cross1. ...
Permission 2 349 Hi Susan - the Hybrid maps are provided by Esri and their copyright terms dont allow use ...
Combine route autoplots to my house 3 283 Very curious. If there are no routes open, and I start using the Combine Routes function...
Voice Audio Navigation - Bike Tracker 9 1393 Looking at the description on the websites, it doesn't look like Cyclope will guide the r...
Route name 2 302 Not sure Peter, but that might be one to ask Wahoo. Try opening the file you downloaded f...
Mobile App, Navigation Maps 15 511 "It's possible their app uses some kind of map matching" It is :-)) Ask google to show ...
Map is locked 2 245 Hi Paul - there is a lock symbol next to the Auto-Plot switches at the top of the map - c...
How do I get saved locations from my watch into Plotaroute 2 344 Hi Stefan - Plotaroute isn't currently designed for importing locations only routes. You...
PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS 15 878 Great, thanks for upgrading. We've fixed the problem you had, so if you like the Premium ...
import GPX file with multiple sections 5 317 One more thing I forgot to mention is I had to load a Android simulator (Bluestacks X ) ...
Adding images to forum posts 9 259 Can't see an obvious way .... ...
Waypoints: None vs POI vs Directions? 8 532 Ok John.Are there any bikers in your group who navigate with Android smartphone ? I looke...
Mapping plotaroute symbols to Garmin fit/Up ahead symbols 12 566 Ok, thanks for the info.I think I remember now what I meant with the dummy course points ...
Location problem 6 423 Hi Ian - if it can't detect your location it is likely to be a permission issue of some s...
"View Route" page - Uneditable text 7 264 Excellent. That sounds like the best of both worlds. Thanks for taking time to consider a...
create a challenge for a "virtual" run ? 6 262 You'll need to enable location permissions in your browser, as this page needs that to wo...
Convert outline drawing to gps route 1 216 Hi,is there an app that will take a simple outlined drawing ie: a heart and then map it o...
Sharing PDF Ordnance Survey (GB) Map with walking group 3 236 Thanks...
Licence for commerical use of trail data? 2 222 Sorry Dan, we don't sell or license our data to third parties....