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Bookmarked routes: ascent always in feet 4 187 Thanks!
Sharing Private route 4 404 When i save a new route it gets emailed to a random friend of mine - can i turn this off please?
Bookmarked routes: ascent always in feet 4 187 This should be fixed now Winfried.
Place your route into google 3 208 So people can see it on Google
Place your route into google 3 208 How do I place my route into google
Singapore 1 162 If you are from Singapore, so am I!
Measure how bumpy one part or the route is 1 162 First, click on the menu button at the sideThen, click on the button " Hills".After that, you will have the problem solved Launches Challenge Tracker 20 5673 Good evening! What is a Challenge Tracker?
won't plot 6 218 We've found the problem, which was caused by a bug in the upgrade we released yesterday. It should be fixed and working OK now. Apologies for this issue.
won't plot 6 218 I am still having these issues this morning, oddly worked for a bit last night then suddenly stopped and the orange wheel just spins around.
won't plot 6 218 Thanks for flagging this up. We're investigating the issue, so will report back asap.
won't plot 6 218 Same problem with me. Tired Safari and Chrome. Mac Desktop running Ventura 13.6
Directions on an Out and Back Route. 6 268 Awesome. Thanks for the advice. It is working well now. just road a route today with overlapping legs and using the technique mentioned worked great. Navigation directions worked perfectly.
Accurately Place Directions with Quick Edit 3 892 Awesome! Nicely done and thank you for your continued improvement of Plotaroute!!
won't plot 6 218 Same problem here. Can't plot a new route because as soon as you try to plot your first point (A) the orange spinning wheel comes on and stays on. It was okay a few days ago when I last used it. Stra
won't plot 6 218 When i load the routeplanner today at any of my bookmarked places (all of which have been fine in the past), and click to plot my first (A) point, i get a perpetually spinning orange wheel of dots th
Cannot relocate directions precise enough 16 306 @Anders, great suggestion that now is implemented."However this procedure is *very* tedious. Would be nice to just be able to type in distance manually as the least, and have fine steps when dragging
Accurately Place Directions with Quick Edit 3 892 This is really great. Well done.Editing distance value would be a perfect way to also make it easier to fine tune directions on the mobile. Even though we don't have a quick edit in mobile mode, the
Accurately Place Directions with Quick Edit 3 892 We are pleased to announce some enhancements to our Quick Edit feature for editing route directions on the desktop version of our route planner.You can now right-click on both the distance and turn a
Road Bikeable Map Layer on the Mobile App 2 186 Sorry James, this layer isn't currently available in the mobile version of the site, but its something we might be able to add at some point.
Bookmarked routes: ascent always in feet 4 187 Thanks for flagging that up Winfried, we'll get that fixed.
Road Bikeable Map Layer on the Mobile App 2 186 Does anyone know if there's a way to display map layers like the road bikeable map layer using the mobile app? I can't seem to find the option. I am a premium user and have the option when using the
Bookmarked routes: ascent always in feet 4 187 Hi,A minor bug: in 'My Settings' I have have set distance units to 'km'. When I open the bookmarked routes page via 'My home page' -gt; 'Bookmarked' button the ascent column shows ascent in feet i.s.
Directions on an Out and Back Route. 6 268 Another trick is to separate overlapping routes is to set the Road Side Switch to Left or Right, and then use the Snap Route to Map tool. This will replot the route with the line shifted to one side
Cannot relocate directions precise enough 16 306 What I ended up doing was that I temporarily moved the start position of the track with trial-and-error to make it possible to position my custom cues where I wanted them. Very tedious but since I on