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Can not sort bny Header 3 352 Ok, I was sure I could do it here https://www.plotaroute.com/myroutes - That's the place ...
Sharing routes opening in miles despite being shared in kms 5 399 I have submitted the screenshots in a pdf via the Contact Us page. Thank you...
Mileage Background Missing in Print 5 425 Terrific! Thanks!...
Bugs with streets from SANDVIKA, OSLO, NORWAY going south 2 334 Thanks for flagging this up. We're looking into it....
Infinite A94 4 435 We've found the source of the problem with this - there was a corrupted node on our map d...
Mobile site confusing and hard to use 5 391 Thanks! Just tested and now it looks much better!...
Incorrect Distance Measurement 5 619 If you can share with us a link to the Google directions and the corresponding route you'...
Switchable diversion routing error 2 370 It is best to zoom in and auto-plot right up to the point where you want the detour to re...
Higways and Freeways 5 660 Hi Matt - our site is primarily designed for plottting walking, running and cycling route...
OpenStreetMap URL incorrect in maps 2 386 Thanks for flagging this up - we'll get it fixed....
Garmins not registering end of route 6 395 OK - please do. It's unexpected that the last waypoint or the destination itself doesn't ...
Can't control the map 9 429 Terrific news!...
Unable to Print today. 4 411 Looks like that's it - OSM is the problem. Switched to World Topo and no problems.Thanks ...
Open Street Map Layer Not Loading 3 391 That seemed to do the trick! Thanks....
GPS...location not working 4 1062 I don't know how ...but it's working now! 😃 Thanks...
Photo Icon 2 421 You can hide the camera icons in the route planner at any time by toggling the "Symbols" ...
Adding Directions 12 548 See quote by Oliver Les Wednesday 04 Dec 2019 16:14:34.I double checked and do confirm th...
GPX route not downloading to Garmin as plotted? 3 430 I think you might be right. Many thanks I must have changed what I do without realising. ...
Undo option 4 662 If you're able to do a short screenshot video of the problem that would be great, as we'v...
Photo's not showing 4 394 Hi Oliver - We've found the problem and put in a fix. There was a bug in our upload proce...
Route Overlaps 4 428 OK, seems to work now - joy :)...
Some turn Icons are not generated. 2 421 Hi Willy - our turn arrows are currently generated from the shape of the route rather tha...
Cannot view route on Android phone 2 448 It's just started working! I switched back to the mobile site to see what worked and what...
"Hilliness" display totally wrong 7 548 No worries. It just hit me as I have walked that route. And a few others that seem to hav...
Paging with tag-filter 6 411 Working fine :-)...