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No options when using make me a route 2 542 Hi Martin - thanks for flagging this up. A bug crept in with yesterday's upgrade - apolo...
When I select paths view it says API Key Required 3 876 Hopefully this should be resolved now - thanks for flagging this up.John...
Auto-plot does not plot the most direct route 4 738 Thanks John. I'll give it a try for the path in question and report back against your ne...
Mobile devices not updating map tiles even with good connection 2 625 After a lot of experimentation, I am always able to resolve this issue by re-opening the ...
Difficulty editing an uploaded route 5 619 Hi Andrew - I can access your routes here, so I'll need some more information about the p...
Notes Over Multiple LInes 4 655 Thanks John, that looks great now....
Printed directions language 4 689 Hi Marco - There's some information about changing the language of the directions in this...
Route planner does no longer show OSM map 2 618 Hi Nigel - It seems to work OK here. Is this on the mobile site or the desktop site? Can...
Still getting adverts after paying for Ad-free Membership 5 675 John,Very many thanks for maintaining a listeneing ear. It is not altoghether usual thes...
Various Peak Heights on Paths view incorrect 3 720 Thats a fair enough alright. Different Points of view.The only thing thats odd is Mullagh...
Replot slider bar not working properly 5 631 Thanks!...
Maps do not reliable refresh 3 595 Thanks for the reply, hope the following helps.Update: I've cleared the browser (Firefox)...
Max Distance? 7 1071 Thanks very much, I will give that a go....
Screen size 2 613 I think you must have accidentally zoomed in at some point and Safari probably remembers ...
Printed map is buggy 2 568 Hi Julian - it's hard to know why this is happening, I think if I tried it from here it w...
correction: able to SAVE.. 1 531 ...but it's not intuitive. suggest a brief tutorial / sitemap, I think that would help...
Share a link to my routes 9 944 Ok John, I'll figure it out. Thanks for the help....
API KAY REQUIRED 2 668 Thanks for flagging this up. A fix has been applied so it should be OK now.John...
Site Certificate Issue? 5 599 yep, working now for me. Thanks for the update...
Adding outside loops to a complex route adds a 10 meter false loop. 2 642 Hi Alan - it's very difficult to edit sections of a route like this where they are severa...
How to remove a loop? 2 592 You could try using the Delete Homestretch feature, which lets you drag the finish point ...
Embedding Public Route 3 500 Embedded routes can be cached by the browser for up to 24 hours, so if it was initially p...
Photos lost when joining two routes 21 744 Dear John,All done, I think. It was a bit of a marathon but I got there in the end. The ...
Missing Label On Profile Graph 7 620 It could be a browser cache issue - it works OK in Chrome for me here. Are you looking a...
Upload Bug when Route Overlaps 5 604 This should be working OK now. We've changed the route upload process to choose tbe next...