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Trace a Route 3 217 Ah! I forgot about that! OK, understood....
.fit download stopped installing on Garmin Edge25 5 225 Thanks Bob. We can't seem to recreate the problem here. Also, if you open the FIT file wi...
Remembering Default Sort 11 295 Hurrah! Many thanks!! :)...
Possible map errors near Sydney (Australia)? 3 192 Brilliant, thank you!...
Possibility of modifying Categorised Climbs 3 200 Thanks, I have tried that. I realise that your list of feature requests is already burst...
Some direction symbols not exported as proper FIT course point types 18 319 I have successfully verified the list of supported types when downloading a FIT file, in ...
Bulk Actions - Add Routes to Empty Collection 3 193 Thanks!...
Direction Arrows 6 1531 Routing (on PC, say) or while navigating with a mobile device?...
Detour not showing when I add route to a collection 2 186 Hi Julie - I'm afraid detours aren't currenlty supported in Route Collections....
Virtual Partner goes back in time 14 311 That's great news! I can hardly wait until the DEM incorporates these other sources....
Frequently missing Street View links (in Northern France) 4 174 Working fine now. Fantastic service as always. Thank you....
Unable to Plot Trails on Map 13 313 Thank you everyone...
Waiting for accurate location signal 6 282 Sorry Nik, I meant Chrome. It's best not to rely on it in remote areas anyway, as it need...
Unit label always miles in filter search results dialog 2 190 Thanks for flagging that up Winfried and for your very helpful steps to reproduce the iss...
My routes and delete a route on my list 5 241 Hi - we've found the reason why you couldn't delete some of your routes. It was related t...
Weird/broken waypoint names in FIT files 5 205 Waypoint name limitation comes from a tcx to gpx conversion ?1. In tcx max 10/15 (Name/No...
Can't print (white screen) 2 175 Thanks for letting us know - we'll look into it. ...
Starred routes no longer being sent to Garmin Connect 3 221 Thanks for the reply, I'll give this a shot!...
Route description missing in GPX 2 221 Thanks for that suggestion....
Map jumps around in navigation mode 4 321 Hi Jacqui,It's hard to know why without more details. I would check your Auto-Plot switc...
Route Timer Not Working 3 176 Timer working ok again now. Thanks for the speedy fix....
Some waypoint symbols not mapped to GPX 5 307 Thanks for that insight....
Annoying Sidebar 2 156 Hi,Thanks for subscribing, much appreciated. You should only see the side bar in the rout...
Search routes by route name is difficult. 4 182 Glad that helped. I think the search term needs to be a word or a phrase, rather than jus...
Sync to Garmin Connect stopped working ? 8 272 All good, thanks. All of the queued routes are now safely in Garmin Connect....