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Translate maps to my language 3 891 We're not able to change the language of the street labels on OSM based maps I'm afraid, ...
Limit sharing to a group 3 759 I'd like this feature too. Is there a way to indicate which people im following can see ...
import on Iphone 3 667 I found the solution, ..when i used the google chrome app to download it seems to be ok, ...
Can I do this 2 431 Hi John - the site isn't designed for that sort of use as its really for mapping routes, ...
GPX saved ad PDF 2 468 Hi Johnny,It could be that you have unknowingly set up a file type assocation on your com...
How do I disable automatic map centering? 4 611 That's great to hear Erik, thanks for supporting the site.John...
Reversing Route AND Directions 3 974 Thanks! Trace a Route works like a charm.Best, John....
upload a route from my Garmin 2 478 Hi Ruth - yes, you can upload routes to plotaroute. Select "Upload a Route" from the "Cr...
Plot height gains 3 429 Thanks, got it :)...
Number of routes in a colelction 2 398 Hi Donald,Premium members can add up to 30 routes per collection and Standard members can...
Get the date of a route I've created 2 440 Sorry, I'm afraid there isn't a setting for this.John...
EDITING TEXT 2 464 Hi Doug - to edit text labels that you've added to the map, you just need to click on the...
Streetview view 2 484 Hi Lee - you can use Google Street View in full-screen mode rather than split-screen by d...
see how many calories I have burned? 1 657 Can someone please tell me where I can find this information associated with a specific r...
Check-in on Challenge - Out and back route 7 511 Thanks John - works a treat now!...
Distance measurement 3 572 This feature is very useful, the counter could be displayed only when the map is zoomed i...
Turn by turn instructions from a phone? 12 2166 There is a new version of Bike Tracker ( v1 1 30 ), released on 2nd January 2019, and t...
Find the GPS coordinates of a point on my route? 4 1720 All, Had the same issue, so I asked a developer to make a tool for searching places on go...
Creating gaps in a route 3 521 Thanks for the feedback, John. ...
Appending route sections 5 460 Hi Trevor - yes, the start of the route you are appending does have to reasonably close t...
Route not working 2 554 Colin,When creating a route, there is a section at the top of the page labeled "Auto Plot...
let my family track me. 2 519 Hi David - we have a Challenge Tracker feature, but this is mainly for multi-day challang...
Change to premium 3 589 We're pleased to advise that we have now introduced an alternative option to Paypal for p...
Stop maps self centering 4 511 No worries Graham, glad you like the site. I was sad to see the demise of walkjogrun, as ...
change password 2 469 Please see this link for how to change your email address and password....