Find the GPS coordinates of a point on my route?FORUMS HOME SEARCH FORUMS

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    Marco Ising Wednesday 26 Dec 2018 11:39:18

    All, Had the same issue, so I asked a developer to make a tool for searching places on google maps and make it easy to copy the GPS coordnates into an application what I am using. Best regards, Marco

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    Nicole Luque Thursday 14 Sep 2017 14:33:42

    Thank you John for your help!!  I just downloaded the KML file and can see the markers.

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    plotaroute admin   Thursday 14 Sep 2017 09:02:59

    Hi Nicole - the easiest way to get all the coordinates of the mile markers is to download the route as a KML file (ensuring that you select the option to include distance markers). You can then open the file in a text editor to find all the coordinates.  The distance markers will be near the bottom of the file.


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    Nicole Luque Thursday 14 Sep 2017 01:40:40

    I am trying to find the GPS coordinates of the mile markers on my route.  How do I do this?  I tried clicking on the map like I would to find the GPS coordinates of a marker in Google Maps, but it didn't work.

    Thank you in advance for your help,


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