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Cant edit route points 5 530 Hi Russ - the Reshape Route tool (just above the Replot Section tool in the toolbar) is t...
iPhone X Zoom 2 368 Hi Phil - have you downloaded the latest iOS verison (13.1)? Everything seems to work OK...
Directions Route Sheet missing cycle path route name 2 418 Hi Oliver,We haven't made any changes in this area recently. The directions generated wil...
Unable to download 2 413 Hi Andrew,Are you using the site on a mobile device or a desktop computer? We're aware of...
Cycling/Mountain biking 2 372 Thanks for this suggestion Stephen....
Custom labels missing from elevation data view 4 410 Yes, I can see all the custom labels in the elevation data view nowThanks for the quick r...
Not able to plot visible tracks and roads 4 446 Our routing engine is normally updated once a month, but this depends on other factors. T...
Printed mileage in directions different than online? 5 520 Hi Jason,We've found the problem and implemented a fix, so it should hopefully be OK now....
Downloading with wrong name 2 442 Thanks for flagging that up. We've found the problem and put in a fix....
Incorrect detours 7 505 The best way to avoid accidental detours when plotting routes is to click away from junct...
Paging with tag-filter 6 396 Working fine :-)...
"Hilliness" display totally wrong 7 538 No worries. It just hit me as I have walked that route. And a few others that seem to hav...
Cannot view route on Android phone 2 437 It's just started working! I switched back to the mobile site to see what worked and what...
Some turn Icons are not generated. 2 410 Hi Willy - our turn arrows are currently generated from the shape of the route rather tha...
Route Overlaps 4 415 OK, seems to work now - joy :)...
Photo's not showing 4 382 Hi Oliver - We've found the problem and put in a fix. There was a bug in our upload proce...
Undo option 4 647 If you're able to do a short screenshot video of the problem that would be great, as we'v...
GPX route not downloading to Garmin as plotted? 3 410 I think you might be right. Many thanks I must have changed what I do without realising. ...
Adding Directions 12 535 See quote by Oliver Les Wednesday 04 Dec 2019 16:14:34.I double checked and do confirm th...
Photo Icon 2 406 You can hide the camera icons in the route planner at any time by toggling the "Symbols" ...
GPS...location not working 4 1049 I don't know how ...but it's working now! 😃 Thanks...
Open Street Map Layer Not Loading 3 381 That seemed to do the trick! Thanks....
Unable to Print today. 4 397 Looks like that's it - OSM is the problem. Switched to World Topo and no problems.Thanks ...
Can't control the map 9 414 Terrific news!...
Garmins not registering end of route 6 384 OK - please do. It's unexpected that the last waypoint or the destination itself doesn't ...