Mobile App

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  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 11 Aug 2021 08:01:50

    Not sure what else to suggest Jim. Do you see the Install button shown in step 3 in the instructions?

    On an Android device you should be able to click this Install button to install the app rather than selecting Add to Home Screen from the Chrome menu.

  • Jim theriault   Wednesday 11 Aug 2021 12:34:42

    No the button doesn't show up.  I'm aware that Android 11 handles unknown app installation differently than previous versions.  Could it be android security issue?

  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 12 Aug 2021 07:35:08

    Can you check the Install Unknown Apps setting for Chrome under your Android Settings? This should be under Apps and Notifications, Advanced, Special App Access - Chrome needs to be set to Allowed.

  • Jim theriault   Saturday 14 Aug 2021 12:54:31

    It set to allow unknown apps from Chrome.  Any other suggestions?

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 16 Aug 2021 08:38:42

    I'm not sure what else to suggest Jim, we'll need to investigate further. Just to be 100% sure that you're on the right page, can you check the website address of the page you're on when you try to install - it should be


  • Jim theriault   Friday 20 Aug 2021 15:35:56

    It worked!  the URL had been, not

    Thank you.


  • Andrew Read   Friday 20 Aug 2021 15:37:48

    As of today, its impossible to edit my routes on the mobile app. All the buttons for detour, shorten route, replot section, etc. have disappeared.

    All was working fine up to yesterday and I'm a very regular user. . I'm on an Android Huawei phone. 

  • Peter Höglund   Friday 20 Aug 2021 21:56:21

    Strange. Working fine here now. Samsung S9, chrome.

  • plotaroute admin   Saturday 21 Aug 2021 07:38:59

    Jim - that's great news. We'll add some extra info to our instructions to make that clearer.

    Andrew - are you maybe looking at the new Map and Compass screen instead of the route planner? You'll need to click Plot a Route from here or select a route to edit from your My Routes page. If that's not it, can you share a screnshot (you can email it to us via our Contact Us page if you don't have any way of sharing photo links)?


Plot a Route
Find a Route
My Routes