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    Walk 2: St Andrews

    Walking route mapped by  Bridge to Bridge Photo
    5 years ago

    Starts near St Andrews, GBMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    1. The walk starts at the east end of the car park, at the entrance to Craigtoun Country Park.

    2. Head around the pond towards the south east of the park, beyond the play area, to pick up the route of the Fife Pilgrim Way towards St Andrews.

    3. The route of the Fife Pilgrim Way is well sign posted – follow it for around 2.5 miles along Lade Braes Walk until you reach John Street, just beyond the entrance to Cockshaugh Public Park. While the Fife Pilgrim Way turns north, stay on Lade Braes Walk and head east.

    4. Cross the main road (Bridge Street) and continue along Lade Braes Walk. The path narrows at a junction with a path on the left – look out for a path to the right just beyond this point and head down it.

    5. Cross the bridge at the bottom and follow the Kinness Burn to the east round to Kinnessburn Road.

    6. Head east along Kinnessburn Road, following the route of the Kinness Burn. Cross over at your convenience on one of the several bridges and keep following the burn. When you meet Greenside Place, cross over and pass through the orange barrier to continue along Lade Braes Walk.

    7. The path comes out next to Ayton House at Abbey Walk/St Mary’s street. Head right, cross the road, then take a left down Woodburn Place after crossing the Kinness Burn.

    8. At the end of the road, just past the playpark, join the Fife Coastal Path and head north.

    9. Follow the Fife Coastal Path for over a mile, past St Andrews Castle and along the Scores, until you reach Grannie Clark’s Wynd – the road which crosses the 18th Hole of the Old Course.

    10. Take a left, then a right along Gibson Place/Links Crescent. Beyond the dismantled railway, just before the roundabout, take the path that slights left. Cross the road and follow the path as it passes north of the large, round Gateway Building.

    11. Head south past the Biomolecular Sciences building and at the left bend of the road head right up the hill and onward past the University Sports Centre. Beyond the Sports Centre, follow the path as it turns left past the site of the new Madras College.

    12. The path eventually reaches David Russell Apartments – head through the campus towards Strathkinness Low Road (B939) and head west.

    13. At the roundabout, take the path to the left down Lumsden Crescent, then take a right when you reach Fergusson Place, followed by a left to stay on Fergusson place. At the end of the street, you’ll see a path on the right – follow this through until you come out at the Hepburn Gardens main road.

    14. Follow the Hepburn Gardens road southwest – heading straight at the roundabout – which leads out of town.

    15. After about half a mile, turn right along the road signposted Mount Melville. Upon reaching the fork in the road at Balone Steading, take the right fork signposted Mount Melville.

    16. Keep a lookout for a gate and path on the right at a crossroads of sorts (part of the road surface here is cobbled bricks) – follow this path alongside the trees to your left through The Duke’s Golf Course.

    17. Beyond the clubhouse the path emerges out on the road into Craigtoun Country Park – head left and follow the path next to the road back to the car park startpoint.
    8.034 miles
    495 ft | 492 ft 
    Walk 2: St Andrews
    st lb  
    Find out how we calculate Calories

    About the Calorie Calculator

    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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