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Navigation waypoint start. 3 319 I know I can do...sometimes forget. Expected it to be automatically added as is with Fini...
Reverse part of route (between anchors?) 2 986 Thanks for the suggestion. We've added it to our Feature Requests (number 105), where peo...
Set track points evenly to avoid "off track" Garmin Edge bug 10 4055 Hi Stefan - it's on our Feature Requests list (number 27) but doesn't have many votes yet...
Private sharing of routes 2 289 Hi Cecilia - I'm pleased to say you can do this. Take a look at our guide on how to share...
Help with timer settings 15 1010 Here's a worked exmaple using your figures:Average Flat Pace:3 mins/km (1000/2000 * 6)Uph...
Suggestion for Editing 6 1204 Thanks GuysI am pleased that my suggestion got a response, if we get a result, thats grea...
Request to update time to complete route 4 2371 A very simple first step would be to just have a setting with a higher average speed than...
More footpaths 11 2547 Sorry Steve, the position of Ordnance Survey is still this same - see our FAQ on the use ...
Option to see elevation in metres instead of feet 2 239 Hi again,I am sorry, but this seems to work. A little while ago, I saw the elevation show...
list of user's tags 2 255 Thanks for this suggestion Lucas. That's a good idea....
Filter routes by activity 4 264 OK, found the button, thanks Colin....
Improve Directions/Notes 5 343 to plotaroute admin -- yes, that was my problem although i was sure i had tried that too ...
Timer Improvements 3 1211 Increase the Ave Flat Speed to 100.00 Kph for Timer feature. Please!...
Waymarkedtrails Hiking 3 321 The result isn't the same. With "Path" I can't see the number of the path (coded by SAT i...
Remove turn notifications from Garmin connect sync’d routes 5 593 Great, glad it's an improvement. You've hit the nail on the head when you said "excess co...
Waypoints and Geocache Uploads 2 277 Thanks for this feedback Billy....
Photos? 7 950 800 x 600 or something larger with the same width to height ratio....
Switch to remove plotted route temporarily?? 5 288 Shame as I really think it would improve route plotting accuracy....
Hyperlinks 4 291 Hi Erik - you can add what you want in the directions/notes, but we recommend sticking to...
Full screen in edit page on mobile 3 262 I'm on Android, Samsung S7.Ok, I thought it was an easy thing, when you had it in View ro...
Auto-routing along Canal Towpaths (UK) 3 260 Thanks, have made some changes as you suggested!...
Rounding option for distance 2 1124 Thanks for the suggestion. We've added it to our Feature Requests list (number 97) where ...
fix undo 4 281 Excellent, I'll try it out soon. Thanks!...
Search for a location by polar coordinates. 3 235 HI,Thanks for your reply.I am sorry. I did realise that after I posted. I then went back...
expand diameter of "plot radius map" 2 237 We're keeping the limits for radius maps under review, as this is a very new feature, how...