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Monthly fee or one time fee for advance features? 3 534 Thanks for the suggestion. I think it's inevitable that we will need to restrict some fe...
Import GPX files 2 811 Hi Dave - we don't have any way of updating the maps ourselves, but you can contribute to...
Adding Photos To Routes 3 1428 The indexing seems to have got mixed up here. The title of this one in the index referes...
Organize routes in folders 5 788 I'm wondering if the 'tag' suggestion (Feature Request no. 13) could achieve much the sam...
Add markers for Fluid Stations, First Aid, Porta Potties, etc 5 2156 There is a 'Water' icon in the set (second from last) but it is not clear what it is supp...
Custom Markers 4 2086 May be this links up with Feature Request No. 2? Not strictly 'custom' but a wider range...
edit directions and modify route 2 603 I'm afraid plotaroute.com isn't designed for mapping on different floor levels....
URL to display map type = paths 3 541 Brilliant. Love it love it love it....
Offroad cycle paths not distinguished will not auto-route 3 542 Hi - Thanks that is useful to know...
Geotagging Photos! 8 550 You can manaully place photos at any point on the route, or indeed elsewhere on the map, ...
Feature request: metric everywhere 6 809 Hi Nikhil - we have advice on this in the following topic: how to change your default dis...
Option to map to side of road 2 458 Thanks for this suggestion Richard. There has been some discussion about this before and ...
Option to override auto-turn arrows at staggered crossroads and roundabouts 3 546 ok thanks...
Turn off autoplay in settings 2 504 Thanks for this feedback Fedor. I'll need to give it some thought. Anyone else have vie...
Save Timer info in Settings and always apply it to the routes 2 428 Hi Fedor - the timer settings should be saved in your browser, so as long as you are usin...
Option to limit directions to Turn/Continue points only 5 727 We've just implemented some changes to reduce the superflouous directions generated when ...
export to geojson 5 527 I understand. Just thought I'd ask. I can do it in other tools, just an extra step.Love t...
Export to FIT 8 2259 Hi. Not sure if this helps - I have a Gramin Edge 500 and find it pretty straight forwar...
Home screen layout 3 471 Hi that sounds ideal. A shortcut on top banner bar next to home etc would make it readi...
Time to travel option 3 565 Ok thanks for your quick reply John. Still a great site to use as you can see with all th...
Openstreet Map 4 529 The Paths maps uses the same data as the OpenStreetMap map so I'm not sure why they are d...
Route profile graph 4 578 I don't think there would be room to add detailed axes on that chart but you can see the ...
dirt road detection 2 506 Thanks for the feedback Jamie. We'd love to be able to do this but are a bit restricted ...
Generate url for Navigate in mobile Google Maps app 4 1397 Thank you for the reply and nice to know it is on the Feature Request list.I agree with t...
Trace imported route 11 1585 Hi Steve - thanks for the suggestion. We'd certainly like to be able to add this feature...