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reduce points plotted in one click 3 576 Thanks for this feedback. We'll see if there is a way we can add some sort of button tha...
Ability to save default map type and layers 2 464 Thanks for the feedback Matthew - glad you like the new maps and layers. I've added your...
Create a spreadsheet of adresses of a route 3 455 Hi Darko,Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think we'd be able to do the spreadsheet ide...
Optional less wordy Turn by Turn directions 2 441 Thanks for the suggestion Colin. This one is actually already on our Feature Requests li...
Improve the visibility of drag points 3 394 So be it. Thanks for considering it....
Filter custom symbols and labels as a layer 2 407 Hi Sean,I'm glad you like ths site - thanks for the kind feedback. I'm pleased to say you...
Run multiple routes simultaneously to check timings at key intersections 2 437 Hi Sean, I think that one would probably be too complex for us and have too limited appea...
Estimation/Fit of timing parameters 1 333 I really like the timing facility, but I have little clue about my pace over flat/up/down...
Scroll map on direction click 1 366 I would find it very useful to automatically scroll the map when one of the directions cu...
Minor Roads 2 362 Unfortunately the routing services we use don't offer this option, although you can elect...
multiple routes view on map 9 665 Hi Rob - it's not possible to print all the routes from a route collection in one go I'm ...
Ability to lock the route but still add custom labels and symbols 3 729 This became especially true when using the Street View Split Screen...
Add ability to upload route for editing on mobile site 2 901 Thanks for this great suggestion, we'll look into this. I've added it to our Feature Req...
Overlap an image 7 1699 One way to do this would be if plotaroute could use maps from http://mapwarper.net like h...
Important Features of ridewithgps. Directs links 2 386 Hi Mikhail,Thanks for the suggestions. I'll need to look into the idea of quicklinks - it...
Batch editing of directions 2 400 Hi Michael - thanks for this feedback. There isn't any easy way for us to abbreviate the...
Create a route collection without combining existing ones. 2 300 Thanks for this suggestion Peter. I'll make a note of it but I don't think it would be v...
More than 30 routes in a route collection 2 298 The reason for this limit is due to the processing impact. Loading 500 routes at a time, ...
Route collections: Select routes from list and import GPX. 2 567 Hi Peter,You can view a route from your My Routes page by just clicking on the name of th...
Differentiating between public and private paths 2 312 Thanks for this suggestion Garry.John...
2 Requests suggestions in one - Sharing Options & Privacy Options 4 1960 Please see our tip for instructions on changing the privacy status of routes...
Show multiple routes on the map same time 1 412 Think of searching for a lost person or pet?People could share the routes where already s...
Key 2 559 Hi Steve - thanks for the kind feedback, glad you like the site. You can display the Cycl...
Important Features of ridewithgps. Save the track 18 1096 Good, I'm pleased that one is sorted! We won't be able to do the quick link suggestion t...
Printing the Google Map Street version? 3 391 Hi John Appreciate your answer. I think I am going to keep the membership. I have been p...