Disable the km/mile count | 3 | 792 | Thank you anyway, it's just a minor thing, after all.Daan... Thursday 08 Sep 2016 14:41:30 |
Unnamed route | 2 | 769 | Sorry Ian, not sure about this. Sounds like a question for Garmin maybe?John... Sunday 21 Aug 2016 20:26:48 |
Use the app full-screen on an iPad | 5 | 8419 | Sorry Margaret, we don't yet have any mobile apps. But there is a mobile friendly versio... Sunday 21 Aug 2016 20:25:13 |
GPS avoidances on or off | 2 | 798 | Not sure about this one Frank. It sounds like the GPS is rerouting using the waypoints. ... Sunday 21 Aug 2016 20:20:46 |
How do I add points of interest? | 4 | 2723 | Hi Carol,Do you have an 'Edit this route' button at the top of the map? You'll need to cl... Monday 15 Aug 2016 19:36:07 |
Changing the KM to Miles | 2 | 821 | Sure, see this post instructions on changing your default distance units.John... Saturday 13 Aug 2016 07:30:33 |
Plotaroute on Android | 4 | 3902 | @ SteveIf you are used to using Plotaroute on the PC, you can still plot the route on you... Thursday 11 Aug 2016 16:19:01 |
SENDING ROUTES | 2 | 802 | Hi David - If you want to email a route to someone it it best to just send them the link ... Monday 08 Aug 2016 10:29:54 |
Use a route on Google Maps | 4 | 8228 | Thanks for the suggestions.... Monday 08 Aug 2016 10:22:03 |
... block users from following me? | 5 | 2507 | THe bug has now been fixed, so if you save a route privately nobody will receive a notifi... Monday 08 Aug 2016 10:09:51 |
How I do reverse? | 3 | 1202 | Hi Francis - There is a "Reverse Route" feature under the Plot menu in the route planner.... Tuesday 02 Aug 2016 11:50:33 |
Multiple routes on one map | 4 | 2237 | Thanks for these comments David - very helpful. Anyone who is interested in seeing a new... Wednesday 27 Jul 2016 09:26:02 |
How to fix end/start points in drag mode | 5 | 2093 | The Drag Mode is for tweaking short sections of a route. It allows you to move individua... Wednesday 27 Jul 2016 09:08:46 |
trail tracking | 4 | 1313 | Good point John ...MarkThere are various apps available for live tracking and I've probab... Monday 18 Jul 2016 16:23:37 |
Contact Another Plotaroute Member? | 3 | 793 | OK, thanks :-)... Saturday 02 Jul 2016 07:17:48 |
Delete | 8 | 2772 | Deleting a route will permenently remove it from the database, not just from your My Rout... Wednesday 22 Jun 2016 10:27:03 |
How do i set defaults distance to km | 2 | 877 | The HTML code we provide for embedding maps will reflect whatever units you are using at ... Thursday 09 Jun 2016 12:08:58 |
How do I save battery life | 2 | 729 | That's one for Garmin I think Steve, unless anyone else can offer any advice?John... Wednesday 01 Jun 2016 10:18:17 |
edit sections along a route | 2 | 1005 | Hi Bev - The best thing I can suggest is to have a look at our video tutorial on Editing ... Wednesday 01 Jun 2016 10:17:02 |
Iphone | 5 | 3466 | This is so handy! You should make it into an app too, then I would pay for the ad free ve... Monday 09 May 2016 19:07:59 |
Change bike route to motorcycle route | 2 | 803 | Hi John - glad you like the site. You can chaange the route type from bike to motorcycle... Monday 09 May 2016 10:43:48 |
Plot on mobile phone and download to Garmin? | 2 | 1602 | Sorry, I'm not familiar with the Garmin Zumo but if it works the same was as other Garmin... Monday 09 May 2016 10:41:20 |
Change a route locality | 3 | 820 | Great thanks John. Much appreciated.... Wednesday 04 May 2016 21:30:10 |
Combine Routes Together | 17 | 3030 | Thanks John. If I don't want to join the end of 1st leg to be joined to the start of the... Wednesday 04 May 2016 20:15:50 |
Delete a route from my rout list | 2 | 1087 | Hi Maggie - You can find instructions for deleting routes on this forum topic: How to del... Wednesday 20 Apr 2016 11:49:18 |