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Set the exact start time? 8 970 I am plotting routes for a motorbike. It seems the max speed I can put in is 50k/hr? It w...
Auto-Plot Access across Car Park areas 3 261 Yes, thank you for clarifying that Mark ndash; I have been turning Auto-Plot off to trave...
Iphone App that will include custom directions in turn by turn instructions 1 178 Hi,I've created some custom directions in plot-a-route and would like to export a GPX to ...
Have golf course locations been removed? 2 167 Not sure what to say, other than it's working for me .......
Delete pinned routes 2 168 Are you using a PC or a Mobile? What mode, Edit? View?If you have been using Trace a Rout...
Copy and past directions into an Excel spreadsheet so I can add Tulip diaframs 1 141 Sorry if I've asked this before, but I don't use Plotaroute all that often. I am fully p...
Loading a very large GPX file 3 152 You could try editing it in a text editor like Notepad to produce two separate smaller fi...
.GPX export w/ directions - route or track 6 226 I got it fixed, the problem was with settings how I exported it from device software to d...
Sharing Private route 4 371 Hi Owen - this will happen is someone is following you and has their notifications settin...
Place your route into google 3 181 Google auotmatically discovers any routes you make public when it crawls our website and ...
Measure how bumpy one part or the route is 1 135 First, click on the menu button at the sideThen, click on the button " Hills".After that,...
Road Bikeable Map Layer on the Mobile App 2 157 Sorry James, this layer isn't currently available in the mobile version of the site, but ...
Layering 6 183 Interesting, you can have detours off detours!Detours...
save my custom labels for hills? 2 372 That's correct Paul. If you want to save labels on a route profile you would need to add ...
Which Android ride recorder app? 4 167 True, but I don't use OA for route plotting. The maps are not a patch on PR (other than t...
Waypoints 2 183 It depends what you mean by waypoints Linda. You just need to make sure that what you wan...
Route Course Profile 1 133 Is that correct to call it Route Course Profile? Or Route Course amp; Profile?That when I...
Store a start time with a route 2 153 Sorry, no this this isn't currently possible Jim....
Embed a map with a specific map type 1 158 How do I embed a map into my website so that it opens with a specific Map Type?At the mom...
Get voice instructions back 4 145 Great, thanks for confirming Helen....
Join 2 routes 11 936 Hi Mike - detours are a custom feature of Plotaroute and not supported by GPX or most oth...
Opening downloaded map when offline 2 244 Sorry, no, our web app needs an internet connection. However, we do have a new app in the...
TET Route GOX 5 261 Ah, I didn't wait long enough! As a matter of interest, how many points are left in te ro...
recover map "cleared" 6 170 Good idea Mark - we've done that and also added more explanation about Traces alongside ...
Road Closure 4 202 :)...