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Do I need a watch to use plotaroute 2 249 Hi Louise - welcome to plotaroute! Yes, you can do this - have a look at our guide on how...
move start point on a route 2 340 It depends whether you're trying to make the route shorter or longer. You can use the Sho...
Warning Notification possible? 2 270 When we export a route in TCX or FIT format, a CoursePoint is created for every item in t...
Plot a previous/route 2 250 Hi Malcolm - the following How-To guide should help: How to Add Photos to Your Routes...
Bosch Nyon 2021 2 505 It sounds as though the device is operating off a different set of maps to us, but you re...
Get Waypoints in the Correct Order on Garmin fenix 6 6 1415 This might be a question for a Garmin forum Aaron. The FIT file you download from plotaro...
Set a starting point for my routes 2 253 Hi Pam - see the following How-To Guide: How To Bookmark Your Favourite Places...
Sat Nav Questions 2 308 Yes, as long as you've loaded the navigation screen beforehand while online, although you...
Team position markers on a route 2 225 Sorry Denis, our Challenge Tracker feature only supports tracking one person, so wouldn't...
Total milage route distance 4 234 Easy mistake Graham, no worries. Yes, Premium membership is ad-free - further details on...
Add waypoint file to route 2 317 Sorry Meinrad, we don't have a way of merging a file of waypoints with an existing route....
Temporary hide tracks 2 290 Hi Anders - you can't hide the route but you can change its transparency in your Settings...
Copy Coordinates 5 283 No problem Colin, I'm sure other people will also find this useful - I know I will!...
'Stay local' under lockdown ..... where can I go within 5 miles? 2 262 Yes Michael - I am pleased to say that we have a feature just for that very purpose. Sel...
missing street view button 5 374 Props for responding so rapidly and making the tweaks, they go a very long way to resolvi...
Only select fire trails 2 285 Sorry, our Auto-Plot feature doesn't have a setting for this....
grid references 2 346 HI Jim,No, sorry, this isn't possible, but you can enter latitude and longitude coordinat...
Wahoo Elemnt Roam 4 311 Yes Bill, you can do this using the Plot with Waypoints feature (under the Create menu)....
Merging several routes 3 687 Hi Adrian - you should be able to do all this on plotaroute without having to use a text ...
Measuring an uploaded route 4 334 Yes, take a look at the following guide: How to add labels and symbols to a route map...
Adding Waypoints to a route 2 325 Hi Ray - the best way to do this is to add labels or symbols to the map....
Enter distances manually? 2 301 Hi Katie - this best way to do this on the site is to use our Challenge Tracker feature a...
Download routes to a Garmin Edge 40 61430 Hi Mike - have a look at our guide to downloading routes to Garmin devices - this contain...
Unable to change colour of route 6 348 Thanks for the update. I couldn't figure it out how I was able to do it one minute and no...
Combine routes 10 409 Opps, can't as I am not currently a Premium member. I had been planning to to join if I h...