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print map 2 946 You can print a route map when viewing it on he route listing page by selecting PRINT fro...
Delete a route 2 867 Hi Michael - are you maybe looking at the Recently Viewed routes on your home page? If y...
Return to Route Options when using "Plot me a route 3 881 Thanks!...
convert a route from private to public??? 2 995 Please see this forum topic for changing the privacy status of routes...
Download Saved Route to MIO 505 5 1207 JohnYou are a star! I am really grateful for your help.RegardsStuart...
How to set a checkpoint in the route? 3 1728 Thanks John.Will give it a try and see if it works for me.Regards.Andrew...
Add New Directions 8 1159 The Edit marker can only be dragged to points you have plotted on the route (vertexes on ...
show my direction list 5 976 Can you copy and paste the URL of the page you are looking at please as I think we might ...
Separate one route into multiple shorter routes 3 862 Thanks - I have been doing this but was hoping there was a function that would allow inpu...
Monitoring planned route in real time on mobile phone 1 916 (Sorry if this is a repeat, having trouble with "gigantism" on the forum pages with my iP...
delete a route 2 1043 You can find instructions on this forum topic: How to delete a route...
Upload GPX files and have directions set automatically?? 2 1041 Not at present Christine, but this is on our Feature Request list (no 15), so anyone inte...
Route Order 4 1015 The most recently viewed routes are listed first in the My Routes panel. I've added a ne...
Plot routes on terrain with no paths? 2 834 Hi Julie - You just need to turn off the Auto-Plot switch (at the top of the map).John...
Edit a walking route 2 776 Hi Alan - you'll need to turn the Auto-Plot switch when using the Replot Section feature ...
route 2 816 Yes, there are instructions in this forum post: View Routes in Google Earth...
Route timer markings 5 991 Thanks, got it now....
Download route for offline use on iPad. 1 1136 hi love the site, many fun hours planning hikes. I have been able to download gpx for vie...
Set default of routes I share to km instead of miles. 3 880 Thanks, John. :-)...
Delete a route from my rout list 2 1088 Hi Maggie - You can find instructions for deleting routes on this forum topic: How to del...
Combine Routes Together 17 3031 Thanks John. If I don't want to join the end of 1st leg to be joined to the start of the...
Change a route locality 3 821 Great thanks John. Much appreciated....
Plot on mobile phone and download to Garmin? 2 1602 Sorry, I'm not familiar with the Garmin Zumo but if it works the same was as other Garmin...
Change bike route to motorcycle route 2 803 Hi John - glad you like the site. You can chaange the route type from bike to motorcycle...
Iphone 5 3467 This is so handy! You should make it into an app too, then I would pay for the ad free ve...