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how do i make my existing routes private? 6 2153 OK Alan, I've done that.John...
How do I delete a section of my route? 3 1142 Thanks I'll check it out....
make a route in a wood, when the system does not accept it as a route 2 987 Hi Daniel - I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. If you a trying to plot a route ...
Virtual partner 3 1209 Thank you...
Reduce minimum distance 5 1198 Thanks for your quick answer! :-) It's gonna be super useful to the beginners like me!Tha...
Distance Units 3 1408 Hi Caleb - You can change your default distance units in the route planner by clicking th...
Renaming a route before downloading 3 893 No worries - glad you're enjoying using the site. For anyone else searching for how to r...
See more than 1 route on the map 3 934 Thanks for getting back to me, Ive managed to crack it and view all of the KML files on G...
Text on map 2 965 Hi Donald - I'm afraid there isn't a way to do this at present, however it is on our feat...
get the site to recognise my location 4 1690 Hi Chris - when you view a route on a mobile device you should see a tracking icon in the...
Blogging 2 837 Hi Dave - you can either include a link to your route on or you can embed ...
Go across Land, where there is no Path 2 996 Found it !! ...
zoom in and out icons on map 4 915 Yes, if you are using a touch device the zoom buttons won't be there.On the other point, ...
Make Multiple Routes, on 1 Map ? 2 1164 Hi - We don't have a way of displaying more than one route on the same map at present, bu...
Download my route to my Iphone 3 4104 Works fine on my mac pro but wont let me sign in on my iphone5. Please help....
Change Direction Language 2 1198 Hi - We have some advice on this on the another forum topic on Changing the Language of D...
Delete a route 2 1055 Hi Gary - You can find instructions on this forum topic: How to delete a routeJohn...
Optimize every single street within an area 3 906 Ah......Thanks John. It seems no one is able to do this. I hope you guys do it as it can ...
Can no longer Download route 5 972 It works!! Thank you so very much!! I will enjoy it on my hike next week!Christine ...
find other users 2 798 You can search for a user by entering their name in the search box at the top of your hom...
print map 2 946 You can print a route map when viewing it on he route listing page by selecting PRINT fro...
Delete a route 2 867 Hi Michael - are you maybe looking at the Recently Viewed routes on your home page? If y...
Return to Route Options when using "Plot me a route 3 881 Thanks!...
convert a route from private to public??? 2 995 Please see this forum topic for changing the privacy status of routes...
Download Saved Route to MIO 505 5 1207 JohnYou are a star! I am really grateful for your help.RegardsStuart...