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2333465 Hatchbrook Abbey V Withnell GB 1 year ago Running 7.799 152 Mixed 1
2321534 Trough Abbeystead Avenham GB 1 year ago Cycling 72.692 832 Road 1
2216169 Around Pendle Hill Farington GB 1 year ago Cycling 86.740 1373 Road 1
2137537 Another 26th Jan Caernarfon GB 1 year ago Cycling 73.552 1040 Road 1
2020818 End Of Aug 22 800 Farington GB 2 years ago Cycling 71.206 371 Road 1
2019469 C2c Road Kells GB 2 years ago Cycling 222.453 3942 Road 1
2008992 Hadrians 1 Muncaster GB 2 years ago Cycling 84.098 749 Mixed 1
1886816 Round Skidaw Keswick GB 2 years ago Cycling 53.417 881 Mixed 1
1885623 Castlerigg Keswick GB 2 years ago Walking 10.804 226 Mixed 1
2565894 Salisbury Imber Bath Churchfields GB 5 months ago Cycling 76.196 984 Mixed 1
2020110 Gwithian To Wadebridge 40 Miles Gwinear-Gwithian GB 2 years ago Cycling 64.111 1203 Mixed 1
2727193 Westgate Woesrand 10km V3 Johannesburg Ward 85 ZA 29 days ago Running 10.006 134 Road 1
2201841 Hospitium - Longer Way 15 Rufforth with Knapton GB 1 year ago Cycling 27.394 133 Mixed 1
2187060 Hunsingore Wighill 31-miles Rufforth with Knapton GB 1 year ago Cycling 51.315 204 Mixed 1
2174904 1ukraine Rufforth with Knapton GB 1 year ago Cycling 37.031 123 Mixed 1
2093050 Huntington Christmas Tree Festival Rawcliffe GB 1 year ago Cycling 17.498 40 Mixed 1
2091629 Breeze Christmas Rufforth with Knapton GB 1 year ago Cycling 27.933 99 Mixed 1
2087118 Christmas 16-miles Rufforth with Knapton GB 1 year ago Cycling 26.750 94 Mixed 1
1990547 Wednesday T’pub Off Road Upper Poppleton GB 2 years ago Cycling 41.638 132 Mixed 1
1915011 Ripon Round 63m Nether Poppleton GB 2 years ago Cycling 101.964 817 Mixed 1
1904379 Friday Fettle X1 West Kofi Roast Upper Poppleton GB 2 years ago Cycling 61.832 376 Mixed 1
1846727 Friday Fettle VII 17Mar R1 Knapton GB 2 years ago Cycling 80.676 253 Mixed 1
1790842 Naburn Locks ~ Short Knapton GB 2 years ago Cycling 35.497 127 Mixed 1
2181393 From Knokke 16miles Knokke-Heist BE 1 year ago Cycling 27.134 78 Mixed 1
2713704 Woodbury To WV Woodbury GB 1 month ago Running 8.539 123 Mixed 1
2513065 Swarkestone 5.5 Mile Circular South Derbyshire GB 7 months ago Walking 8.894 67 Mixed 1
2275853 A' Chailleach From East Highland Way Newtonmore GB 1 year ago Walking 10.230 626 Off-Road 1
2574220 Susan Drive Wander 2 Miles Fernandina Beach US 5 months ago Walking 3.328 6 Mixed 1
2427858 Amelia Island 4 Miles US 10 months ago Walking 6.285 13 Mixed 1
2758157 Kelpies 4.5 Miles Skinflats GB 12 hours ago Walking 7.226 13 Mixed 1
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