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2468907 6 Dinedor Loop Hl Rd Lower Bullingham GB 9 months ago Running 10.617 135 Road 1
2465086 12 Rotherwass Roman Road Loop Dinedor GB 9 months ago Running 20.008 122 Road 1
2460241 3.5 Rotherwas To Parkrun Dinedor GB 9 months ago Running 5.975 21 Mixed 1
2431720 8 Aylestone Hill Loop Portfields GB 10 months ago Running 13.156 76 Road 1
2417134 8 Llanfoist Out N Back Llanfoist Fawr GB 11 months ago Running 13.592 100 Mixed 1
1994589 14 Pontrilas Garway Hill Loop Kentchurch GB 2 years ago Running 23.356 513 Mixed 1
1835545 8.5 Pontrilas Hill Loop Pontrilas GB 2 years ago Running 13.956 168 Road 1
2514044 20 Rotherwas Eaton Bishop Loop 7 months ago Running 32.779 346 Road 1
2657705 2024-06-18 MSR Exceat Circular Cuckmere Valley GB 3 months ago Walking 13.183 275 Off-Road 1
2225637 W To E Wittering West Wittering GB 1 year ago Walking 3.021 8 Off-Road 1
1910738 2022-05-18 Egrets Loop Via Peacehaven - Newhaven World's End GB 2 years ago Cycling 68.077 759 Mixed 1
2443860 All Roads Local Circuit Avoiding Mud Market Bosworth GB 10 months ago Walking 6.460 63 Road 1
2020321 Millers ROGs Walk Sheepy GB 2 years ago Walking 9.600 56 Mixed 1
2020316 Ben's Kitchen ROGs Walk North West Leicestershire GB 2 years ago Walking 9.985 71 Mixed 1
2688103 Brighton And Shoreham Reigate and Banstead GB 2 months ago Cycling 135.226 1470 Mixed 1
2054797 Hakaba Tanene GN 1 year ago Cycling 74.709 862 Road 1
2731545 956 13km Newington GB 25 days ago Running 12.937 57 Mixed 1
2731533 957 13km Scotstoun GB 25 days ago Running 13.021 97 Mixed 1
2727284 955 - 8km Pilton GB 29 days ago Running 8.215 89 Mixed 1
2587389 968 17/04 Newington GB 5 months ago Running 10.274 211 Mixed 1
2534566 971 - 280224 Pilton GB 6 months ago Running 9.516 138 Mixed 1
2528548 972 230224 Newington GB 6 months ago Running 8.337 73 Mixed 1
2484733 972 0110 8km Pilton GB 8 months ago Running 8.100 113 Mixed 1
2451165 972 Cruach Blaircreich GB 9 months ago Running 12.426 1027 Mixed 1
2428351 976 30.10.23 West Pilton/West Granton GB 10 months ago Running 7.774 111 Mixed 1
2373205 985 31-08-23 Pilton GB 1 year ago Running 10.930 264 Mixed 1
2368684 987 27-08-23 Southside GB 1 year ago Running 9.247 236 Mixed 1
2353132 989 13-08-23 Southside GB 1 year ago Running 10.121 185 Mixed 1
1859469 KLB To Bothy Kinlochbervie GB 2 years ago Cycling 9.361 164 Mixed 1
1565545 0529 North Berwick Marathon EH3 GB 3 years ago Running 44.629 210 Mixed 1
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