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2469932 2014/10/01 Ewell Minnis Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 32.154 193 Mixed 1
2469918 2014/09/01 Ewell Minnis / Burnthouse Wood Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 96.083 512 Mixed 1
2469914 2014/08/23 Bridge / Aylesham Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 59.169 664 Mixed 1
2469913 2014/08/19 Burnthouse Wood Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 32.913 224 Mixed 1
2469907 2014/08/16 Stelling Minnis Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 67.400 618 Mixed 1
2469905 2014/08/14 Burnthouse Wood Night Ride Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 37.881 235 Mixed 1
2469846 2014/08/08 Bridge / Barham Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 37.132 392 Mixed 1
2469843 2014/08/03 Denton Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 37.001 314 Mixed 1
2469480 2014/07/31 Wye Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 65.039 790 Mixed 1
2469477 2014/07/10 Acrise Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 11.126 104 Mixed 1
2469472 2014/07/07 Pay Street Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 4.183 10 Mixed 1
2469468 2014/07/05 Burnthouse Wood Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 32.155 219 Mixed 1
2469467 2014/07/04 Paddlesworth/Swingfield Street Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 16.724 117 Mixed 1
2469465 2014/07/03 Barham Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Cycling 32.937 301 Mixed 1
2468700 2023/10/27 Hythe Library Orchard Valley GB 9 months ago Walking 1.736 9 Mixed 1
2468606 2023/07/26 Skipton Wood Middle Town GB 9 months ago Walking 2.318 49 Mixed 1
2468592 2023/07/02 Sandgate Wood Coolinge GB 9 months ago Walking 2.544 57 Mixed 1
2468585 2023/06/09 White Horse Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Walking 6.873 117 Mixed 1
2468582 2023/06/08 Elham Walk Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Walking 8.112 166 Mixed 1
2468490 2023/05/28 Denton Denton with Wootton GB 9 months ago Walking 3.167 78 Mixed 1
2468319 2023/04/28 Barham, Covert Wood Canterbury GB 9 months ago Walking 7.763 123 Mixed 1
2468318 2023/04/02 Saltwood Streets Orchard Valley GB 9 months ago Walking 7.272 79 Mixed 1
2468315 2023/03/19 Selsted Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Walking 7.994 57 Mixed 1
2468299 2023/03/05 Hawkinge Folkestone and Hythe GB 9 months ago Walking 2.157 14 Mixed 1
2449377 2023/11/18 Lympne Folkestone and Hythe GB 10 months ago Walking 4.321 35 Mixed 1
2105310 2019/07/29 Lyminge To Elham Folkestone and Hythe GB 1 year ago Walking 3.665 17 Mixed 1
2105286 2019/06/03 Farthing Common Folkestone and Hythe GB 1 year ago Walking 3.009 36 Mixed 1
1799159 St. Stephens 1 Mile Fun Run Grand Island US 2 years ago Running 1.615 0 Road 1
1853881 2022 Armed Forces Half Marathon Downtown Concord US 2 years ago Running 21.142 156 Road 1
1808315 16km Camberwell GB 2 years ago Running 16.006 70 Mixed 1
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