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2470934 2017/05/27 23rd Parkrun Foord GB 8 months ago Running 5.030 46 Mixed 1
2470932 2017/05/22 Bossingham Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 40.470 452 Mixed 1
2470927 2017/04/01 21st Parkrun Foord GB 8 months ago Running 4.788 60 Mixed 1
2470926 2017/03/25 20th Parkrun Foord GB 8 months ago Running 4.984 58 Mixed 1
2470925 2017/03/18 19th Parkrun Foord GB 8 months ago Running 4.989 50 Mixed 1
2470921 2017/03/13 Elmstead Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 33.565 546 Mixed 1
2470919 2017/03/10 Lyminge, Elham, Densole Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 11.318 217 Mixed 1
2470916 2017/03/04 17th Parkrun Foord GB 8 months ago Running 5.026 49 Mixed 1
2470915 2017/03/03 Hythe Canal Orchard Valley GB 8 months ago Walking 2.450 6 Mixed 1
2470637 2016/12/31 9th Folkestone Parkrun Foord GB 8 months ago Running 5.015 52 Mixed 1
2470622 2016/12/14 Hawkinge To Densole Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Walking 1.408 8 Mixed 1
2470615 2016/12/11 Bossingham Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 68.969 801 Mixed 1
2470607 2016/11/30 Lyminge Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 25.652 339 Mixed 1
2470605 2016/11/30 Helen's Foord GB 8 months ago Walking 0.483 2 Mixed 1
2470597 2016/11/07 Couch To 5k 6,3 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 5.185 9 Mixed 1
2470596 2016/11/06 Stone Street Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 52.429 513 Mixed 1
2470594 2016/11/05 Couch To 5k 6,2 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 5.092 10 Mixed 1
2470593 2016/10/31 Lyminge Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 19.488 274 Mixed 1
2470591 2016/10/29 Warmup Walk Foord GB 8 months ago Walking 0.538 4 Mixed 1
2470586 2016/10/28 Aylesham Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 56.099 712 Mixed 1
2470585 2016/10/26 Barham/Lydden Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 33.260 433 Mixed 1
2470584 2016/10/26 Couch To 5k 5,2 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 4.998 9 Mixed 1
2470583 2016/10/24 Stelling Minnis Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 29.854 451 Mixed 1
2470581 2016/10/24 Couch To 5k 5,1 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 4.317 9 Mixed 1
2470577 2016/10/21 Couch To 5k 4,3 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 4.547 9 Mixed 1
2470576 2016/10/20 Bishopsbourne Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 51.201 617 Mixed 1
2470571 2016/10/13 Couch To 5k 3,3 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 3.712 10 Mixed 1
2470569 2016/10/10 Wye Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Cycling 57.962 756 Mixed 1
2470568 2016/10/10 Warmdown Walk Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Walking 0.922 0 Mixed 1
2470567 2016/10/10 Couch To 5k 3,1 Folkestone and Hythe GB 8 months ago Running 3.570 7 Mixed 1
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