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1716058 Stratford Route 2 Stamford Hill GB 2 years ago Running 6.846 30 Mixed 1
1673706 Victoria Line Route 1/2 N15 GB 3 years ago Running 19.174 99 Mixed 1
1648033 Manor House Downhill 2k N4 GB 3 years ago Running 2.226 9 Road 1
2675935 Merry Tom - 16 Church with Chapel Brampton GB 2 months ago Walking 16.978 178 Mixed 1
2675922 Pitsford Half Brixworth GB 2 months ago Walking 21.741 194 Mixed 1
2656145 Long Walk - Marathon + Cogenhoe and Whiston GB 2 months ago Walking 44.215 268 Mixed 1
2291860 Brafield To Denton Denton GB 1 year ago Walking 2.298 39 Mixed 1
2201150 Guyhirn To Walpole - Wills Walk Elm GB 1 year ago Walking 16.863 48 Mixed 1
1940551 Docks Loop Newbarns GB 2 years ago Running 8.862 41 Mixed 1
2416727 Pizzi Veneri Serra Concazze Citelli Baracca Linguaglossa IT 11 months ago Running 14.623 1184 Mixed 1
1395553 La Louvière 9,6KM La Louvière BE 3 years ago Other 9.668 116 Mixed 1
1394820 Walk Sierra Vista US 3 years ago Walking 4.593 26 Road 1
1755856 TA - 3 Langs Beach NZ 2 years ago Walking 210.404 4314 Mixed 1
1792173 Lewis + Harris Castlebay GB 2 years ago Walking 233.034 2867 Mixed 1
1662749 Bamford And Stanage Edge Sheffield GB 3 years ago Walking 12.417 319 Mixed 1
2261302 Llandudno Route 1 Llandudno GB 1 year ago Running 10.845 98 Mixed 1
2542157 Mission Trains: Gate To Gate San Diego US 6 months ago Running 5.682 72 Road 1
2023228 Zennor Little Loop Zennor GB 2 years ago Walking 5.733 179 Off-Road 1
2737447 Lac Bleu Chamonix-Mont-Blanc FR 9 days ago Running 19.581 1526 Off-Road 1
1996884 Chyrowa Lubatowa Mszana PL 2 years ago Walking 14.015 653 Mixed 1
2690868 WALK ROUTE SV. FILIP I JAKOV - SV. PETAR Turanj HR 1 month ago Walking 6.695 36 Mixed 1
2746863 Cheshire Cycleway Newtown GB 18 hours ago Cycling 283.910 2629 Mixed 1
2544909 Tiny Steps Northwich GB 6 months ago Cycling 81.913 603 Mixed 1
1682965 BRADBURY/HOME BW Kingston Lacy GB 3 years ago Horse Riding 25.046 314 Mixed 1
2513510 Kalo Forest Run To Egens Kalø DK 7 months ago Running 13.140 159 Mixed 1
2698437 Track Long 2 Little Marlow GB 1 month ago Running 16.274 44 Mixed 1
2698428 Track Long Run Little Marlow GB 1 month ago Running 16.319 46 Mixed 1
2574571 16 Miles Hazlemere GB 5 months ago Running 25.508 176 Road 1
2566609 222 Mile West Bay West Bay GB 5 months ago Running 35.474 377 Road 1
2545403 3 X 5mph Little Missenden GB 6 months ago Running 22.615 132 Road 1
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