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2349302 Dülmen - 0,8K - Am TSG-Stadion Kirchspiel DE 1 year ago Running 0.820 5 Mixed 1
1867805 Hinterthal Erichhutte Hinterthal AT 2 years ago Walking 7.555 748 Mixed 1
1821625 Lordhill Snohomish US 2 years ago Running 15.214 448 Mixed 1
1797466 CHAS Walking Route Aberdeen GB 2 years ago Walking 7.973 72 Road 1
2523764 TO Pick Up The Van Netherfield GB 7 months ago Cycling 116.415 2233 Road 1
1922769 Detroit INDYCAR Detroit US 2 years ago Other 7.803 22 Mixed 1
1920787 Monaco Circuit Revamp Monte-Carlo MC 2 years ago Other 4.494 67 Road 1
1925272 Monaco Revamp Beausoleil FR 2 years ago Other 5.840 92 Road 1
2535671 Eastbourne To Southease Alternative Holywell GB 6 months ago Walking 26.322 676 Mixed 1
1894014 Fen Ditton Circuit Cambridge GB 2 years ago Running 7.808 17 Mixed 1
2670396 7km Greenway 14km Out And Back Ladyes Hills GB 2 months ago Running 7.534 81 Off-Road 1
2592515 30km Draycote Rugby GB 4 months ago Running 30.149 221 Mixed 1
2523044 Big Bear Saucy Trail HM Hartwell GB 7 months ago Running 21.291 103 Off-Road 1
2475234 8km Ilmington Extra Stratford-on-Avon GB 8 months ago Running 8.370 162 Road 1
2244282 BPJ 08.05.2023 Perdiswell GB 1 year ago Running 10.600 112 Mixed 1
1798046 Bypass Side - North Whittington Moor GB 2 years ago Walking 1.694 10 Mixed 1
2697116 KRR Training Munduff Hill Run Scotlandwell GB 1 month ago Running 5.421 325 Off-Road 1
2569979 King's Seat Dollar GB 5 months ago Running 5.014 324 Mixed 1
1799379 L&G 4.2m Loop Chipstead GB 2 years ago Running 6.678 85 Mixed 1
1796646 Viking Mound 8k Halmstad SE 2 years ago Walking 8.383 79 Road 1
2716681 Ipotesi 5K Al 13 Agosto San Siro IT 1 month ago Running 4.527 7 Road 1
2663318 Ipotesi DJ FIVE 2024 San Siro IT 2 months ago Running 5.063 12 Road 1
2104427 BEFANA 2023 Da DON ORIONE A CESANO Municipio 6 IT 1 year ago Other 5.284 12 Road 1
2083485 RUOTE NELLA STORA 2022 Municipio 1 IT 1 year ago Other 26.213 83 Road 1
1952738 WW To Herb Centre Wellesbourne GB 2 years ago Cycling 45.349 519 Road 1
2010506 Niall 14 Road Miles From Club Barnton GB 2 years ago Running 23.001 216 Road 1
1831081 Orange1 Putley GB 2 years ago Walking 2.339 35 Mixed 1
1824508 Road Route Putley GB 2 years ago Other 5.885 122 Road 1
1796094 Hasley Loop Linwood GB 2 years ago Walking 11.150 127 Mixed 1
2469901 Wolds 6 Mile Run Millington GB 8 months ago Running 10.159 329 Mixed 1
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