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715145 Kountze To Wesley Beaumont Tour De TAC Kountze US 5 years ago Cycling 52.089 383 Road 3
2413903 Olympic View Golf Course Metchosin CA 11 months ago Walking 9.741 277 Mixed 3
2254634 PT163 Juan De Rec Center Route C, 5km Colwood CA 1 year ago Walking 5.416 61 Mixed 3
2240190 PT165 Esquimalt Rec Center Route E, 5km Esquimalt CA 1 year ago Walking 5.222 55 Mixed 3
2240108 PT165 Esquimalt Route C Esquimalt CA 1 year ago Walking 9.985 146 Mixed 3
2198399 PT165 Esquimalt Route E Esquimalt CA 1 year ago Walking 1.015 6 Mixed 3
2197265 PT163 Juan De Rec Center Route G Colwood CA 1 year ago Walking 6.585 115 Mixed 3
2196735 PT163 Juan De Rec Center Route D 10km Colwood CA 1 year ago Walking 4.960 70 Mixed 3
2196722 PT163 Juan De Rec Center, Route A, 10km Colwood CA 1 year ago Walking 9.870 165 Mixed 3
1944172 Lone Tree Hill 6.5km Highlands CA 2 years ago Walking 6.546 395 Mixed 3
1921068 PT350 Mt Work, Stewart Mt 5km Highlands CA 2 years ago Walking 4.968 134 Mixed 3
1918157 PT347 Matheson Lk, Pearson College 5km Metchosin CA 2 years ago Walking 4.190 91 Off-Road 3
1887841 Mayne Island, Campbell Point 1.6km Mayne Island CA 2 years ago Walking 1.569 28 Mixed 3
1842271 Sooke Potholes Riverside Route 7.2 Km Capital CA 2 years ago Walking 7.198 167 Mixed 3
1727423 Driving To Westhills Park From Victoria Victoria CA 2 years ago Walking 17.258 234 Road 3
1726900 Malca's Route 8.3 Km Victoria CA 2 years ago Walking 8.302 156 Mixed 3
1704431 Elk And Beaver Lakes 10 Km Victoria CA 2 years ago Walking 10.472 84 Mixed 3
1704418 Elk And Beaver Lakes 10 Km Saanich CA 2 years ago Walking 9.360 175 Mixed 3
1692149 Esquimalt (Ada) 10 Km Esquimalt CA 3 years ago Walking 9.966 133 Mixed 3
1594144 Mount Work Summit Trail 6km Capital CA 3 years ago Walking 6.003 318 Off-Road 3
1594140 Mount Work Summit Trail Capital CA 3 years ago Walking 7.981 276 Mixed 3
1487568 Metchosin Wilderness Park 9.5 Km Victoria CA 3 years ago Walking 9.326 323 Mixed 3
2079069 2022 Unite The Light Emalahleni Ward 22 ZA 1 year ago Walking 6.278 56 Road 3
2112326 Kew Circuit 1 North Sheen GB 1 year ago Running 8.294 17 Mixed 3
2236755 New Riverlands Relay Turner US 1 year ago Running 30.856 591 Off-Road 3
1861929 East End Hills East End US 2 years ago Running 6.728 96 Road 3
1824391 12mi Cape Loop Cape Elizabeth US 2 years ago Running 19.535 224 Road 3
1811615 8mi To Bug Lite And Loop West End US 2 years ago Running 13.369 77 Mixed 3
1472640 5 From Home West End US 3 years ago Running 8.230 53 Road 3
1051822 15 West To East End/payson Park/back Cove Loop West End US 4 years ago Running 24.169 144 Mixed 3
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