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2736977 Julia Route 3 Stoughton GB 22 days ago Walking 8.480 84 Mixed 3
2736965 Julia Suggested Route Charlotteville GB 22 days ago Walking 10.317 175 Mixed 3
1748957 Tl02 Shoreham-by-Sea GB 2 years ago Walking 3.790 17 Mixed 3
1693995 Gk1 Plaistow GB 3 years ago Walking 2.889 25 Mixed 3
1686494 Walk 1010 Preston GB 3 years ago Walking 3.914 69 Mixed 3
1679120 GA Walk 3 Pulborough GB 3 years ago Walking 7.115 78 Mixed 3
1679112 GA Walk 2 Pulborough GB 3 years ago Walking 3.990 71 Mixed 3
1529656 Hilly 6 Ecy Croydon GB 3 years ago Running 9.548 169 Mixed 3
1270817 Capital 30 Streatham GB 4 years ago Running 48.810 533 Mixed 3
2743719 25km Cratloe Run- Sept2024 IE 16 days ago Running 25.068 555 Mixed 3
1788589 Test Route 1 Antrim GB 2 years ago Cycling 20.155 147 Road 3
2495350 Sand Bay/Sand Point/Woodspring Priory 6.25 Mile Sand Bay GB 8 months ago Walking 10.070 99 Mixed 3
2017927 4.4 Mile Dodford Walk Catshill and North Marlbrook GB 2 years ago Walking 7.188 163 Mixed 3
1850996 Barnt Green 9 Mile Walk Barnt Green GB 2 years ago Walking 14.868 184 Mixed 3
1815606 Bevere Art Galler 4.6 Mile Alternative Bevere GB 2 years ago Walking 7.448 65 Mixed 3
1809176 Barnt Green 9 .5 Mile Walk Barnt Green GB 2 years ago Walking 15.113 196 Mixed 3
1809156 Hanbury Church 4.5 Mile Walk Bromsgrove GB 2 years ago Walking 7.347 88 Mixed 3
1805147 Bevere 6/7 Miler Bevere GB 2 years ago Walking 10.310 83 Mixed 3
2743811 Joe Cools To Suncoast North Beach ZA 16 days ago Running 3.971 37 Road 3
2299123 To Campus 2 South Beach ZA 1 year ago Cycling 11.905 298 Road 3
844787 L2P D2 R1 S2 Saint-Aubin-le-Cauf FR 5 years ago Running 8.474 42 Off-Road 3
2612494 JBR Brick Session - Cycle 14km Rochford GB 4 months ago Cycling 14.019 60 Road 3
2612493 JBR Brick Session - Run 3.2km Rochford GB 4 months ago Running 3.285 8 Road 3
2344808 LSR 06.08.23 Rochford GB 1 year ago Running 20.513 116 Road 3
2111639 JBR 15km LSR Rochford GB 1 year ago Running 15.071 46 Road 3
2103885 JBR 11.7km LSR Rochford GB 1 year ago Running 11.740 48 Road 3
2089589 JBR Club Route 19.11.22 Rochford GB 1 year ago Cycling 96.273 564 Road 3
2079787 JBR 76km Route Rochford GB 1 year ago Cycling 76.722 651 Mixed 3
2079785 JBR 68km Ride Rochford GB 1 year ago Cycling 68.060 530 Road 3
2068472 JBR 82km Ride 22.10.22 Rochford GB 1 year ago Cycling 82.388 649 Road 3
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