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2721905 16.5 South Park Quincy US 1 month ago Running 26.775 209 Mixed 10
2646456 14 From QU Quincy US 3 months ago Running 23.462 176 Mixed 10
2512065 5 Km KSN Pashan IN 7 months ago Running 5.003 51 Road 10
2511466 30k Road Route Bristol GB 7 months ago Running 30.296 156 Road 10
2511128 Barrys 12.5 Miles Digmoor GB 7 months ago Running 20.082 152 Mixed 10
2682826 Scilly60 Stage 6 St Mary's St Mary's GB 2 months ago Running 4.803 53 Mixed 10
2514566 BackRoads 10k+ - 8km (Feb. 11th) London CA 7 months ago Running 8.174 97 Road 10
2510191 London Greenbelt Way - 3 Clewer New Town GB 7 months ago Walking 14.254 50 Mixed 10
2567784 الي التسعين الشمالي و محور مصطفي كامل مدينة القاهرة الجديدة EG 5 months ago Cycling 18.019 153 Mixed 10
2645989 Yate To CS 8 Miles Yate GB 3 months ago Running 13.571 83 Mixed 10
2509523 Dale 6r Nelson East NZ 7 months ago Motorcycling 40.580 299 Road 10
2509053 6km Pavement Run From Visitor Centre Highgate GB 7 months ago Running 5.833 49 Road 10
2561065 NFW Donington Le Heath - Bradgate Park Hugglescote and Donington le Heath GB 6 months ago Walking 19.878 269 Mixed 10
2545368 Wilverley Trail Run 16.5km New Forest GB 6 months ago Running 16.673 161 Off-Road 10
2510627 Barton 10k Old Milton GB 7 months ago Running 9.964 46 Road 10
2507188 Hackthorn West Lindsey GB 7 months ago Walking 27.335 93 Mixed 10
2629740 8km Alnwick GB 4 months ago Running 7.729 109 Mixed 10
2506248 25.6 Km Rossland CA 7 months ago Running 25.361 572 Mixed 10
2514894 PCM 21K - VERIFIED BY SHAILESH SIR Somwar Peth IN 7 months ago Running 21.129 122 Road 10
2505323 Brixton Melville ZA 7 months ago Running 5.577 116 Mixed 10
2505168 WIH Warks 1 Rollright Stones Long Compton GB 7 months ago Walking 7.772 189 Mixed 10
2542033 Fitness Loop Westlake US 6 months ago Running 1.525 0 Mixed 10
2533864 SG 55 Seng Kang SG 6 months ago Cycling 76.459 771 Road 10
2565835 Phoenix 30KM Kilmainham IE 5 months ago Running 30.160 201 Mixed 10
2513904 Half Mara Kilmainham IE 7 months ago Running 21.156 127 Mixed 10
2659614 Тур России 2 Этап (3 Км) Калтыманово RU 3 months ago Cycling 3.001 19 Road 10
2634519 5 Колец Москвы Крылатское Крылатское RU 3 months ago Cycling 13.673 248 Mixed 10
2587519 Пять Колец Москвы Садовая Красносельский район RU 5 months ago Cycling 15.450 175 Mixed 10
2503810 6-miler Petersfield GB 7 months ago Running 9.659 24 Mixed 10
2697340 South Downs Horsham GB 1 month ago Running 93.446 2303 Mixed 10
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