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2685363 Biboy City of Edinburgh GB 2 months ago Cycling 122.337 1542 Mixed 10
2639889 Draft 2 June 21km Port Fairy AU 3 months ago Running 21.592 111 Road 10
2584557 Parkside - Beamish Museum Dunston GB 5 months ago Other 13.691 326 Road 10
2577977 Ben And Cay 30 Miler. Cattedown GB 5 months ago Walking 48.423 817 Mixed 10
2603957 Run Club 02/05/24 Louth GB 4 months ago Running 4.495 50 Mixed 10
2548189 Walkie Talkies 3 Peckham GB 6 months ago Walking 44.826 388 Mixed 10
2548179 Walkie Talkies 1 Peckham GB 6 months ago Walking 44.242 332 Mixed 10
2572676 18th Rutland - Melton CiCLE Langham GB 5 months ago Cycling 185.573 2235 Mixed 10
2665474 Wełna Dla WRW Poznań PL 2 months ago Cycling 100.229 542 Mixed 10
2580190 Steady 5km Maidstone GB 5 months ago Running 5.056 72 Road 10
2555548 Super 5km Maidstone GB 6 months ago Running 5.008 38 Mixed 10
2547146 Weston Beachfront Pre-tenners Weston-super-Mare GB 6 months ago Running 3.890 9 Mixed 10
2650896 Hi Canal And 3 Stadiums The Park GB 3 months ago Running 8.118 36 Mixed 10
2546017 Tadd Scamper East Lansing US 6 months ago Running 13.150 48 Mixed 10
2545929 Begynderhold Afslututning Østerbro DK 6 months ago Running 0.805 2 Off-Road 10
2736970 Yunta To Wilpena Pound Yunta AU 21 days ago Motorcycling 263.521 2260 Mixed 10
2746292 9/21/24 CyFit Winter Season Half Wk10 - 4 Miles US 12 days ago Running 6.560 2 Mixed 10
2740170 9/14/24 CyFit Winter Season Full Wk9 - 9 Miles US 18 days ago Running 14.919 25 Road 10
2723514 9/7/24 CyFit Winter Season Full Wk8 - 6 Miles US 1 month ago Running 9.870 20 Road 10
2608921 5/11/24 CyFit SS Wk14 - 5 Miles US 4 months ago Running 8.283 10 Road 10
2557009 Plymouth To Moretonhampstead Mannamead GB 6 months ago Cycling 59.119 1410 Mixed 10
2544532 Donate 4 Defib Running Route Weston-super-Mare GB 6 months ago Running 22.454 36 Mixed 10
2543468 Kanalizacja II Etap Karsko PL 6 months ago Cycling 0.359 0 Off-Road 10
2603782 10 Miler Yeovil Without GB 4 months ago Running 16.091 181 Mixed 10
2562006 35k Training Run Fairview CA 5 months ago Running 35.020 359 Mixed 10
2542825 2024 Azalea Festival 5K Valdosta US 6 months ago Running 5.003 23 Road 10
2542705 15km Blue Road March Cherry Tree GB 6 months ago Walking 15.556 370 Mixed 10
2587662 Alternative 20km Collier's Wood GB 5 months ago Walking 20.837 107 Mixed 10
2542204 DESAK 16 K (DENPASAR HERITAGE & BEACH) Dangin Puri Kelod ID 6 months ago Running 16.150 108 Road 10
2626114 4 Mile Slow Figheldean GB 4 months ago Running 6.634 60 Road 10
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