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    Route 4

    Cycle route mapped by  Thakeham Parish Photo
    4 years ago

    Starts near Thakeham, GBMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    Route 4 is a family route which uses local bridlepaths and some local minor roads. You might encounter some muddy patches but it is mostly on good hard surfaces. This is a 4.4-mile route so suitable for all including beginners.
    Pit stops for snacks and drinks en route: Five Bells, West Chiltington, Meadow Stores Thakeham
    Points of Interest.
    Strawberry Lane is classified as ancient woodland, there are a number of very old oak trees on the route. The route is very picturesque in the spring, when the woods are full of native bluebells and lovely wood anemones. Towards the southern end of the lane you will notice a huge badgers sett, which has been there for many years. Badgers are a protected species of British wildlife.
    At the junction of the B2139 you will notice The Jehovas Witness ‘Kingdom Hall’ building, which is in regular use. The new tarmacked pavement was constructed as part of the improvements to local infrastructure delivered via Thakeham’s housing development, and can be used by pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians.
    As you enter Water Lane on your left you will see Leather Bottle Cottage built it is believed in the early 1600s and was a local Inn for centuries. Oliver Cromwell is reputed to have stayed there. On the right-hand side of the southern end of the lane is the Davison estate and further north, also on the right is the Meadowbrook development built from 2015. Water Lane is the dividing line between the parishes of Thakeham and Sullington & Storrington.
    Northlands Lane the small hamlet here is known as East Wantley. The road used to be a vehicle route until the industrial estate was built then unfortunately closed but the BW connection was kept.
    The bridleway has a renowned ghost history at the junction with the footpath crossing you will find a link on the internet to the story (search for: The Bald Explorer, then look for Thakeham). Threals Lane is another parish boundary line, with West Chiltington on your left and Thakeham on your right.
    From the Village Hall cross Abingworth Crescent and head east on the new bridlepath then TR at second turning (Strawberry Lane). Continue straight on until you bear right on concrete path (do not go straight on). Then continue until you meet the B2139. TL using new tarmacked BW go up the slope to Merrywood Lane, cross over go straight on towards the Rock Road area of Storrington. Please be careful as next section can be busy but with careful use FP might be usable for younger cyclists. TR at Rock Road roundabout, then TR at traffic lights, (Water Lane) continue right to the end past factory with car park on your right, go straight past concrete bollards you should then reach Northlands Lane TR continue till you reach TJ.
    Cross straight over into BW you should see wooden chicane directly across pas through a keep straight ahead, beware of fast-moving traffic at junction. Continue onto Threals Lane. When you reach the end of Threals Lane T sharp R into woods continue on hard BW till you emerge into High Bar Lane go straight on until you reach the B2139 then TL then TR into Abingworth Crescent straight on to Village Hall.
    4.389 miles
    275 ft | 278 ft 
    Route 4
    st lb  
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    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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