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    TCT Research - Armstrong Extension 01

    Walking route mapped by  Miguel Cunat Photo
    5 years ago

    Starts near Delthota, LKMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    During the first hour of the stage, we are going to gain 250 meters in elevation, a challenging climb, especially the first bit. At the 3.0 Km point, we leave the main road and take the small road that ramps up to your right. 500 meters later, at the 0.8 Km point, there is a shed in front of a small school.

    Here is where it gets a steep - if you are feeling energetic take the stairs up the through the tea bushes and follow the track for approximately 500 meters. As you gain elevation the views get better and better. There is a river running down the valley to your right as you ascend through the Loolecondera Estate.

    If you don't feel like a steep climb you can also take the tea trail to your right which connects to the track further up and is a more gradual ascent. As you gradually ascend take a moment to dwell on the fact that these were some of the first tea bushes planted in Sri Lanka. This is the same jungle that was cleared by James Taylor and his crew, presumably with the help of elephants. If it feels remote now imagine for a minute how it must have felt 180 years ago.

    At the 2.2 Km point, we bid farewell to the Loolecondera Estate. We exit through a forest track and 200 meters later we enter Lower Gonavy. At the 3.3 Km post, there is a small tea village surrounded by small patches of vegetable gardens. You will no doubt attract the looks, smiles, and waves of the curious villagers who rarely see a foreign face in real life!

    Follow a very well marked and clear gravel road for another kilometer or so until it merges with a proper tarmac road that gradually descents with magnificent views of the valley below to your left. At the 4.8 Km post keep heading east, take the track that keeps you going straight ahead leaving the old planters house on your left.

    One of the most delightful moments of the day awaits on the 6th kilometer when you reach these fabulous rock pools. There is a perfect spot for a quick refreshing dip.

    Stay on track and you will soon enter the Hope Estate, with its maze of tracks and large imposing Tea Factory. We are on kilometer 8.1. Hope sits side by side with the Mooloya Estate. Both Estates seem very busy going about their business and both have impressive tea factories. At the time of writing, there was a hydro project under development on the Mooloya Estate at the 10.6 Km point.

    From here it is a fairly pronounced descent through fairly populated tea country. You will pass a Buddhist temple complex on your left and a Christian Cemetery on your right. At the 13 Km point, you will cross the bridge and begin the gradual ascent on the main road to Hewaheta town. We end the walk, as we do, at the post office.
    8.473 miles
    1761 ft | 1814 ft
    TCT Research - Armstrong Extension 01
    st lb  
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    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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