Popular Routes
Hi Helene,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, that's fine. I assume you have my email address, right?
Kind regards Richard
Hi Richard,
thank you for your patience and for all these details.
I would need to connect to your account in the app Visorando. I propose you to continue our discussion by email, is it ok for you?
Kind regards,
A thriving community slowly being lost ....
This seems to be the new reality with Visorando .....
It's been well over a month since I first raised this issue. The lack of response is very dissappointing.
@Helene Plotaroute
Thank you for your reply (although for some strange reason your reply has my name attached to it!)
>In the app, did you check the walks in the different forlders (Hikes to sort, Favourites)?
Yes, I have checked. Unfortunately, the missing three walks are not in these folders
The three walks/tracks missing from the Visorando Android app are:
'Chalfont & Latimer (Circular)'
'Chipstead Circular Walk'
'RR Test'
Just to be clear. After syncing my 33 walks from Plotaroute to Visorando, I can see all 33 in the Visorando web site but only 30 in the Visorando App i.e. 3 are missing.
>Did you plot routes with more than 10 000 points (it is the limit in Visorando)?
All 3 missing walks have less than 100 waypoints, so this isn't the cause.
I did wonder if the "&" was causing an issue but a few tests confirm this doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm trying to see if there are any common factors that would explain why these three walks aren't appearing in the app but I can't see anyhting that would explain this issue.
My only observations are that two of the missing routes are the first two in my list of walks (when viewed alphabetically) and 'RR test' is my shortest walk, with only 24 waypoints.
Please do let me know if you need any further information.
PS as an aside, I notice walks are called 'Routes' in plotaroute, 'Walks' in Visorando (Web) and 'Tracks' in Visorando (Android App). May I suggest it might be worth harmonising these terms?
Thank you.
In the app, did you check the walks in the different forlders (Hikes to sort, Favourites)?Did you plot routes with more than 10 000 points (it is the limit in Visorando)?
Hi, I did post this a few weeks ago in the News section under the "Link your Plotaroute account to Visorando" thread. I've had no reply so I thought I'd try here.
After following the instructions in the aforementioned thread, I synced my plotaroute and visorando accounts however, it seems not all my routes were copied across.
I have 33 routes within my plotaroute account. After syncing to Visorando, there are 33 routes visible when viewing my Visorando account via a web browser.
However, if I select 'My Routes' on the Android Visorando app, I can only see 30. Three routes appear to be missing.
I've tried pressing the sync button a few times but it's stubbornly refusing to show the missing three routes.
Is this something you can investigate? Please let me know what, if any, additional information you require.