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How do I cancel a subsciption that I started today in error?
I would like to upgrade to premium but there is only the error message "Sorry, there was a problem processing your transaction. No payment has been taken. Please refresh the page and try again." every time I click on "secure checkout". I'm never asked for credit card details.
Hi Lasse,
We're looking into the issue. It looks like it might be connected with the + sign in your email address. Would you mind selecting the Paypal option instead - you can normally pay using a card under this option without having to create a Paypal account. If that's not an option let us know.
Using PayPal for payment worked like a charm! Thank you for the prompt support.
Great, thanks for upgrading. We've fixed the problem you had, so if you like the Premium membership and want to renew in a year's time it should work OK next time!