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    Dead Horse Point Tour

    Route mapped by  Nelu Goia Photo
    2 years ago

    Starts near Moab, USMORE ROUTES NEAR HERE
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    Overview Suggest Change
    For those looking for a relatively mellow but rewarding cruise, this is hands-down the ride for you in Moab. It doesn't have much technical interest or major cardio workout, but the fast, fun trail and unbeatable and varied scenery are spectacular.
    Need to Know Suggest Change
    Though not required, the counter-clockwise direction is suggested by the park and works very well. There are many ways to make this shorter, and many bail-out points, so if you're not sure about the distance, just start out and head back when you're getting tired.

    Shuttle service provided by Hazard County Shuttle (435-210-8082), hazardcountyshuttle.com
    Description Suggest Change
    Start from the north end of the visitor's center parking lot on Intrepid, which is not special in itself, but it's a relatively fast and easy ride to the Colorado River Overlook. Expect a few small rock shelves from 2-6" in height that beginners might need to dismount in order to negotiate.

    From the overlook, join Great Pyramid, with several rocky ledges that might require dismounts. Otherwise this is an excellently-built trail with nice contours, rock plating where necessary, and great flow. Be sure to stop at the Pyramid Canyon Overlook.

    Continue on the Big Chief trail, with a few small technical hills to start with, and some interesting "alligator back" rock riding, you level out on the rim with MILES of amazing views. The trail is particularly fast and flowy, especially for desert riding. Continue out to the Big Chief Overlook with views of the potash mine 2,000' below (and all of Moab and the La Sal mountains).

    The trail then doubles back on itself on a higher level of the mesa. Great views continue, including good ones of the Henry mountains to the west.

    You could take Raven Roll back to the car from here if you're in a hurry. Otherwise, take Crossroads, which is dead flat and uninteresting until you cross the road. On the western side of the road, the trail gets much more interesting as it winds through juniper, sage, and Mormon tea plants. Look out for some sandy corners or you could lose your front wheel if you're going too fast.

    Next you're on Whiptail, on the top of the mesa with kind of generic desert riding until you get to the rim. Now the views are spectacular and trail becomes a fun roller coaster ride among small rock formations. Smooth and flowing, this is an example of some of the finest new-school trail-building around.

    Note you can cut this trail off short by taking Prickly, but you'll miss all the fun parts.

    The trail ends in Prickly (the shortcut came in from the left, but you'll go right). This trail lacks the stellar overlooks of other trails, but it has cool rock formations such as ledges and caves that you can ride around. There are a couple short sandy sections. Take this back to Intrepid and a quick return to your car!
    13.801 miles
    826 ft | 839 ft 
    Dead Horse Point Tour
    st lb  
    Find out how we calculate Calories

    About the Calorie Calculator

    Our Calorie Calculator estimates how many Calories you will burn using Metabolic Equivalent (MET) values from Compendium of Physical Activities. The Compendium idenitifes the relative energy cost of undertaking various activities compared with doing nothing. We then combine this with your weight and the estimated duration of the activity, taking into account the length of the route and the hills involved, to estimate the total Calories burned.

    When selecting an Activity setting, select the speed you would normally travel at on flat ground.

    Please remember, the estimated number of Calories is just a guide and the actual number of Calories burned may vary depending on other factors such as weather and terrain.


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