News for 2025

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  • Julien Plotaroute   Friday 24 Jan 2025 09:08:44

    Dear Plotaroute Community,

    First of all, the whole team wishes you all the best for the new year. We hope you'll find plenty of chances to enjoy your outdoor adventures and make the most of Plotaroute and Visorando.

    Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Julien, the newest member of the Visorando team. My role involves managing content and providing user support in both German and English. Therefore I will be working on the English Visorando website, as well as Plotaroute.

    I joined the team in December and since then have been learning more about my role. Part of this was learning more about Plotaroute, which I wasn’t a user of before. I’m not an expert on all things technical, but I will do my best to answer all the questions in the forum and if I can’t get an answer, I’ll ask the team.

    I’ve also been reviewing the messages posted since Visorando’s acquisition of Plotaroute. While we aimed to maintain the previous level of communication and support, I recognize that we’ve fallen short in this area. I want to apologize for this and I will strive to do better in 2025.


    To kick things off, we want to tackle some important questions about the future of Plotaroute that have been on many minds:

    One of the reasons Visorando bought Plotaroute is to use it's route planner on Visorando. We aim to implement this and translate it into French and German this year. We also want to add several Plotaroute features to Visorando, to add those features for the current Visorando users, but also to make the Plotaroute Community feel at home. For example the Widget and OS maps are available. We want a Club section to be available soon and will also work on Collections and Challenges. Furthermore, you'll have the ability to link your Garmin or Suunto accounts in the future.

    Does this mean that Plotaroute will disappear? No! Plotaroute and Visorando will coexist. There are no plans to totally merge the two entities/websites and you will be able to use Plotaroute without using Visorando if you choose to do so.

    As for new developments on Plotaroute itself, we want to be upfront: the Visorando team cannot pursue developments for both the Plotaroute and Visorando brands simultaneously. Which means that there will be no further developments on the Plotaroute website, but we will keep enhancing the route planner that will be available on Visorando. In other words, if you want to use the route planner as is, you will be able to do so on Plotaroute. If you want to use the route planner with its future developments, you’ll find it on Visorando.

    Is the Requested features thread still active? Yes! We’ll use those suggestions to improve the route planner on Visorando. We encourage you to continue posting and voting to help us create new features.

    Regarding the Plotaroute web app, the situation is similar to the website. While it will remain available, there won’t be any further development on it.

    As for the Routepilot app, we previously announced that it was nearly ready for release. Unfortunately, we've realized that more work is needed than we anticipated, leading us to cancel this app project. Our focus is the Visorando app, which already includes functional navigation. The interface is different, but we created the link from Plotaroute to Visorando to make the transition as seamless as possible.

    We also acknowledge that the monthly route engine updates have been less frequent than before; however, we plan to change that. Expect more updates in the future, which will be beneficial for both Plotaroute and Visorando.

    We've also looked into the Facebook link issue. Sadly, a solution hasn't been found on our end yet.


    This doesn’t answer all the questions, but I hope it’s a good start.

    I will try to get to the unanswered questions of the forum that are still relevant and will examine every new post moving forward.

    Thank you for staying with us in 2024 and also for sticking through this lengthy announcement! =)

  • Mark Worthington   Friday 24 Jan 2025 21:51:00

    Hi Julien,

    Thank you for your straight and open statements regarding Plotaroute and the way forward. It's a pity it's taken nearly a year to get clarity; I'm sure Plotaroute has lost a lot of users over that time, and no doubt there are many disillusioned who are still here.

    2025, a new start ....


  • Julien Plotaroute   Wednesday 29 Jan 2025 15:25:54

    Hi Mark,

    I understand your feeling and will do my best to make up for it.

    As I went through the various messages since Visorando took over Plotaroute, I noticed your name popping up quite a bit. I really want to take this chance to express my gratitude for your active involvement during this time.

    Would it be alright if I sent you an email?

    Have a nice day,


  • Mark Worthington   Wednesday 29 Jan 2025 19:04:53

    Hi Julien,

    I know you come with good intent and there are a number here who try to help, to give back to the wider group :)

    Sure you can email me!


  • Colin Jones   Saturday 01 Feb 2025 11:58:41

    I agree, an overdue update on where we stand and where we go. But, far better late than never, and thank you for the apology. It is good to know that there is someone out there ( wherever "there" is!). I've thoroughly enjoyed the use of the routing, but also the sense of community here as well. That's why I renewed my premium membership! The sense of co-operation and community here was getting a little frayed, in my opinion, reading the somewhat tetchy and unanswered forum posts after Visorando aquired Plotaroute. I'm sure with your help that good feeling will come back.

    Thank you, Mark Worthington and others, too - you deserve stars, for your input during more recent times, it is appreciated I am sure by all the community.

    I'm feeling much better about the plotaroute site and community now.

    Thank you


  • Lutz Müller Sunday 02 Feb 2025 19:11:31

    Julien PlotarouteFeedback zur – Verbesserungsvorschläge für ein noch besseres Nutzererlebnis

    Lieber Julien Plotaroute und liebes Team von,

    zunächst einmal wünsche ich Ihnen und dem gesamten Team ein frohes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr! Ich hoffe, Sie sind gut ins Jahr 2024 gestartet und freuen sich auf neue Herausforderungen und spannende Projekte.

    In den vergangenen Wochen habe ich mich intensiv mit Ihrem Editor beschäftigt und einige Routen auf erstellt. Dabei habe ich auch ein paar Videos auf Deutsch nachgestellt und auf YouTube hochgeladen. Heute habe ich eine der Routen ausprobiert und dabei einige Punkte entdeckt, die aus meiner Sicht verbesserungswürdig sind. Ich möchte Ihnen dieses Feedback gerne mitteilen, da ich Ihre Plattform wirklich schätze und glaube, dass kleine Anpassungen das Nutzererlebnis noch weiter verbessern könnten.

    1. Das „Zappeln“ der Route

    Ein Punkt, der mir besonders aufgefallen ist, ist das sogenannte „Zappeln“ der Route in der Handy-App. Die Karte aktualisiert sich ständig, was zu unruhigen und unpräzisen Darstellungen führt. Hier wäre eine Bildschirmaktualisierung alle 10 Sekunden von Vorteil. Zudem sollte die Aktualisierung der Karte unabhängig vom Kompass erfolgen – also Karte und Kompass getrennt voneinander aktualisieren. Das würde die Darstellung ruhiger und übersichtlicher machen.

    2. Ausrichtung der Karte

    Ein weiterer Punkt, der mich stört, ist die Ausrichtung der Karte. Wenn ich mein Handy vor mir halte, sollte die Strecke immer in Laufrichtung nach oben zeigen. Der Richtungspfeil in der Mitte sollte ebenfalls in Laufrichtung (also nach oben) angezeigt werden. Aktuell dreht sich die Karte ständig, was insbesondere bei längeren Strecken oder beim Gehen entlang eines Flusses verwirrend sein kann. Der Fluss sollte beispielsweise immer parallel zum Weg verlaufen, um die Orientierung zu erleichtern.

    3. Schriftgröße und Kontrast

    Als älterer Nutzer habe ich Schwierigkeiten mit der aktuellen Darstellung der Richtungsanzeige. Die Schrift ist meiner Meinung nach zu klein, und der Kontrast könnte erhöht werden, um die Lesbarkeit zu verbessern. Hier wäre eine Option zur Anpassung der Schriftgröße und des Kontrasts sehr hilfreich, um die App auch für ältere oder sehbehinderte Nutzer zugänglicher zu machen.

    Vergleich mit Konkurrenzprodukten

    Um meine Punkte besser zu veranschaulichen, habe ich zwei Videos erstellt, in denen ich die mit einem Konkurrenzprodukt vergleiche. Ich denke, ein Blick auf diese Videos könnte Ihnen helfen, meine Anmerkungen besser nachzuvollziehen und mögliche Verbesserungen abzuleiten.


    Ich bin ein großer Fan von und schätze die Möglichkeiten, die Ihre Plattform bietet. Dennoch glaube ich, dass kleine Anpassungen in der Handy-App das Nutzererlebnis deutlich verbessern könnten – insbesondere für ältere Nutzer wie mich. Ich hoffe, mein Feedback ist hilfreich und freue mich darauf, zukünftige Updates der App zu testen. komoot plotaroute
    50.744089,10.725534 Bild plotaroute

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit und die tolle Plattform!

    Beste Grüße

  • Julien Plotaroute   Monday 03 Feb 2025 11:33:19


    @Colin: Thank you for your sincere message! There is indeed someone out there and to make it more precise, in a zoom-in description, I'm in France > Alsace > Strasbourg. I'll do my best to help the Plotaroute community and become part of it. =)

    @Lutz: Thanks for your feedback. I created a separate post for German discussions in this forum topic.
                 Danke für deine Neujahrswünsche und dein Feedback. Ich habe ein neues Topic gestartet, in dem wir gerne weiter auf Deutsch schreiben können und in dem ich weiter auf deine Nachricht eingehe. Mehr dazu hier!

    Best regards,


  • Peter Höglund   Monday 03 Feb 2025 18:37:29

    Thanks for the update. Really feels better.

    I can understand that you would like to focus on one app, even though I think their is in some parts a long way to reach the plotaroute level. I would like to share some of the unique features that made me choose plotaroute and then staying here for many years. This in a hope that you can prioritise these when you copy features to the app.

    • Automatic turn directions with label creation.
    • Easy to follow-up/go through the created turns and edit/remove/add.
    • Abbreviation feature to automatically rename turn labels
    • Shift route left/right to be able to see the underlying path/track on device. 
    • Many matching turn symbols matching Garmin fit file up-ahead. Could really be improved.
    • Shift back turns/course points when saving file to be able to get mylagging garmin watch to show it at correct time.
    • Fit file export
  • Julien Plotaroute   Tuesday 04 Feb 2025 12:11:26

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the feedback! =)

    I don't yet know what features will be available on the app as well as the website.
    The team is still working on all of this.
    I'll make sure to share your feedback with them.

    Once the implementation is ready to launch, I'll write another News post. :)

    Best regards,


  • Trevor Wharam Wednesday 05 Feb 2025 19:24:03

    I would like my money back, it is not working for me after many attempts, my friends and family have all tried In vain but cannot get plotaroute to work. So please refund my money.

    Major T Wharam.

    I have emailed you, but you have not answered it


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