Every time I try to navigate a route I get a message to say that the app is unable to find my location. All my location settings are switched on, allowing my location to be tracked. Any help?
I suggest you to calibrate the compass when you use the app => make 8 shapes until the compass is calibrated and the good position is indicated.
I also advise you to check these settings :
Kind regards,
I love this app but like the last contributer usually the app can't find my location and nowadays never follows my route. I have followed all the advice and even reloaded the app again. Why arnt the location services working properly. ? Help needed. Are others finding the same issues? Is a UK issue only? Certain phones types?
indeed it can depend on the device : the gps quality is different on certains devices and models. I suggest you to check with the manufacturer.
Did you check all the position settings?
Kind regards