When the download a gpx route poi file I have created in plotaroute - it is not pulling the full route when I upload it to my Garmin - same issue if I load it into something like bikehike.co.uk
Why not working ciorrectly?
Can't see how I can add images to show you - but download the gpx poi file from below and you will see it does not take all of the route when you upload to any 3rd party app.
Sorry Oliver, I'm not sure what you mean. The GPS file for that route looks OK to me and uploads without a problem when I upload it to another application.
If you want to share images, you can just copy and paste them into into your post. Alternatively feel free to send us an image via our Contact Us page. You can only send one attachment at a time though using this, so if you have more than one, just send them in separate messages.
Thanks for reply.
This is what it looks like in plotaroute. Which is good around 600m long.
This is the format I downloaded as
This is what it looks like in a 3rd party website - so most of the route is missing as its just 130m
I get the same on my garmin - you can see it is marked as 44m long only, all the other formats for the same route are okay on the Garmin as shown.
Thanks for the screenshots Oliver. You need to download it as a GPX Track not a GPX Route. A GPX Route file only contains waypoints, not the detailed coordinates of the track, so it can't be recreated in the same way when imported into another app.
Thanks so if want others to ride the same route and have the waypoints shown on their map in their garmin or Wahoo then GPX track is right?
I always thought a gpx route has a ride to be ridden and a gpx track is one that has been ridden - is that not right?
Yes, you'll need the GPS Track format for people to see the same route. The difference between the GPS Track format and GPS Route format is not related to whether it has been ridden or not. The GPS Route format is primarily for devices and applications that have their own route calculation capability, to calculate how to get from waypoint to waypoint. If you want to follow specific route of your choosing between waypoints, you have to provide all the track coordinates, so you need to use the GPS Track format.
Thank you - that is very helpful to know.
Why when using the gpx track downloaded with either the POI or Directions enabled doesn't the label or Symbol marked on the Plotaroute map get shown on the Map on my Garmin. If symbols and Labels are treated as waypoints shouldn't they be shown when navigating?
Hi Oliver - that would be a question to ask Garmin. It will probably depend on what device you are using. All we can do at our end is create waypoints in the GPX file for each of the direcrtions or POI's depending on which option you select. How the device displays the waypoints is up to Garmin.
Download to iPhone not working. Download took many tries for several weeks. Now, download page freezes. Options cannot be changed and Download button does not respond. I have previously been downloading to iPhone file
Hi Bradford - thanks for flagging this up. It looks like there is a short delay in the screen being ready if you select Download from another page, rather than from the menu after loading the route map. We'll need to look into why this is and get a fix sorted out. In the meantime, the download buttons should work if you wait a few seconds after selecting Download , or if you load the route map first and then select Download from the menu they should work without any delay.