Map Provider Changes

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  • Colin Hoppe   Sunday 21 Feb 2021 17:57:21

    It appears that the default settings for "trunk" roads in the UK is responsible for making plotting difficult using OSM

    See here ...

    This could mean that in most of the country, plotting will be a problem using OSM until someone changes every inch of trunk road ...


    I'll try to find out if there is a way to list all the roads which could be "wrong" ...

    Unless all "wrong" trunk roads are updated before the next Plotaroute routing update (seems unlikely), then it will still be more weeks before the further improvements appear ...

    If anyone know how to get a listing of trunk road tags in, say, a UK county, that would be handy.  If it also allowed those tags to be updated ... that would be very handy ...

  • Colin Hoppe   Sunday 21 Feb 2021 21:26:40

    I suspect that the UK trunk road defaults are not going to change on OSM as a whole any time soon.

    Perhaps Plotaroute should simply ignore the OSM Allowed Access tags for the UK and assume that Allowed Access for UK trunk Roads is as per this  ...


    I also noticed along the way that the UK isn't the only country for which the trunk road defaults don't work, so there might be further requests ...

  • Colin Hoppe   Sunday 21 Feb 2021 21:38:48

    I probably should add that mostly I'm plotting on country lanes but some of those country routes might include stretches of trunk road.

    Previously, I have used OSM for plotting routes but probably just happened not to include any trunk roads.

    To avoid wet and muddy country lanes in February, cycling on a trunk road can be a good idea and that's what I tried to plot yesterday.

    I didn't really need to plot a single road out and back, but I wanted to try plotting with the changed functionality.  


    Well, I don't think there is an easy way to update all the UK trunk roads on OSM.  It's not a major problem for me at the moment, but it might become very annoying ... 

  • Julia Westerberg   Sunday 21 Feb 2021 23:07:42

    i have discovered the Map Inspectors are providing street views.  I had found only one yesterday that did but more today.  i had ignored them in the past since i didn't need the info they provided.  But there are Map Inspectors which tell you to right click to get street views.  So I'm back in business again!

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 22 Feb 2021 07:46:41

    Julia - yes, the Map Inspector now gives you a direct link to Google Street View. The link will only be shown if you are inspecting a road.

    Colin  - it might be best to change the Auto-Plot switch to BY ROAD if you want to plot on a trunk road.

  • Colin Hoppe   Monday 22 Feb 2021 08:03:18

    BY ROAD didn't work properly either.  That's the problem ...

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 22 Feb 2021 08:35:29

    Can you provide an example Colin? Would you mind starting another forum topic though, as it's probably a bit off-topic for this one? 

  • Colin Hoppe   Monday 22 Feb 2021 10:19:23

    Aha ... I've just spotted the problem !   I've just noticed that there is a tickbox beneath the BY ROAD button ... "Avoid Highways" !  

    It was ticked.  I don't recall ever seeing that tickbox before !   Don't know how it got ticked.  (Maybe it was me ... Maybe it's been there years ... has it ?)

    Oh well.  Untick and it's happy with using the trunk roads / A roads that it was avoiding before


    So, as per my first post re dropping Google Maps ... I'm happy ðŸ˜€

  • Decor Acer   Monday 22 Feb 2021 11:50:16

    Having upgraded to Premium because of the ability to plot routes using OS mapping.

    I am at a loss as to why when recalling those saved routes, OS maps is now missing from the drop down in MAP TYPES. Why can I only use it in the original creation, even though I am still signed in to my account.

  • plotaroute admin   Monday 22 Feb 2021 12:27:10

    Hi Decor - the OS maps have only been implemented where we previously had Google maps at present (on the desktop route planner).  However, subject to trial results we hope to roll them out to other parts of our site including the View Route page and our mobile app.


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