How to change the default map format for embedded maps?

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  • Cornelis van Wessel Sunday 04 Jan 2015 15:24:58

    Apologies John,

    I have been off the radar for a while ... 

    This seems to work fine, that's exactly what I was looking for and it does look much better for those maps where terrain is relevant. Again a brilliant job and many thanks for working this into Plot-a-Route. Let's hope others find it uesful too.

    All the best with the website in 2015!

    Thanks again,








  • plotaroute admin   Thursday 04 Dec 2014 16:23:47

    Hi Cornelis - We've implemented a static map solution now for embedded maps that default to the Paths map.  The solution is under trial so let us know if you experience any issues with this.


  • Cornelis van Wessel Sunday 23 Nov 2014 12:20:48

    OK John, I see what you mean ... yes that works fine, of course, and ignore my ignornance.

    Obviously I was looking for the static map to change. Anyway, this is already a nice step forward and I shall wait patiently for further developments. In the end this is about aesthetics, not lack of functionality. 

    Thanks for looking into this.



  • plotaroute admin   Sunday 23 Nov 2014 11:34:47

    If the embedded map code includes maptype=paths, the map type should default to paths when you click play to load the interactive map.  We don't have a solution at present to make the initial static map image with the paths map, so this will still show the Google street map for now.  I'll post back here when we've developed a way of showing the static maps using the paths map.



  • Cornelis van Wessel Saturday 22 Nov 2014 11:21:13

    It must be the value of the 'maptype' John because 'maptype=sat' works fine. So perhaps 'paths' is incorrect or the php code is not looking for the 'paths' value or if it does it's not taking any action to change the maptype.

    I hope that helps.



  • Cornelis van Wessel Saturday 22 Nov 2014 11:11:59

    That's brilliant John, thanks for dealing with this so quickly.

    The units variable works perfectly, but I just wonder what the proper use of the map type is.

    I have tried ... (as you have it in the new code)

    but that doesn't seem to work. The km units are working fine, but the maptype stays in it's default 'map' configuration. Is there anything I do wrong?

    No doubt you can enlighten me here. :^)






  • plotaroute admin   Wednesday 19 Nov 2014 16:37:08

    I am pleased to say that we have now added support for changing the default units (miles or km) and map types (Maps, Satellite or Paths) on maps that are embedded onto other websites. When you chose to embed a map on another site, the code to embed the map will now include parameters to set the units and map type based on the map you are viewing at the time you share it.

    If you would like to change an existing embedded map please get the new code by viewing the map in the route planner and selecting the Share option.


  • Cornelis van Wessel Sunday 16 Nov 2014 11:01:32

    Hi John,

    That would be much appreciated ... especially for walks 'paths' maps make more sense and they also look nicer on the page (my opinion of course). As a continental european 'km' are the preferred option. No doubt I'm not the only one looking at it from that angle. Obviously there's no rush, but great to know that you're willing to look into this. many thanks.



  • plotaroute admin   Tuesday 11 Nov 2014 14:15:46

    Hi Cornelis - thanks for your kind feedback about the site.

    There isn't currently a way to specify a different startup map type for the embedded maps, or to do the same for the units of measurement. I think this would be fairly easy for us to add though, so I'll see if we can sort this out and I'll post back here when it's done. 



  • Cornelis van Wessel Sunday 09 Nov 2014 17:23:40

    First of all thanks for this very elegant mapping tool.

    My question has to do with the embedded maps. Currently the default is 'Maps'. Is there anyway you can change the code or add a variable so that the 'paths' map is the default? If so how do I go about it.

    I would also prefer km (not miles) as default in the embedded maps - again, how can I achieve this?





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