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1179548 Oguilin - Delnice Krug Delnice HR 4 years ago Cycling 109.381 2265 Mixed 1
2754032 Paloma Diner-Wavering-Columbus,Ellingtn,Kochs Quincy US 4 days ago Cycling 43.015 545 Road 1
2751431 P.P. Horseshoe, Columbus, 90th, 84th, Ewbanks,72th Quincy US 6 days ago Cycling 30.480 339 Road 1
2728135 P.P. Bike Path, 8th, Keller, Harrison Quincy US 28 days ago Cycling 41.670 454 Road 1
2711869 P.P. Reverse Milk Run To Rim, Church Hills, Kochs Quincy US 1 month ago Cycling 39.678 414 Road 1
2711392 P.P. 48th, Maine, 12th, Marblehead, 57th, 54th Quincy US 1 month ago Cycling 41.646 424 Road 1
2687062 Mendon Breakfast Ride, 84th, 87th To 90th, Kochs Quincy US 2 months ago Cycling 48.273 478 Road 1
2207821 6.5 Miles Pontefract GB 1 year ago Running 10.610 143 Road 1
1926063 Agung Mount Merapi Route 35km Singopuran ID 2 years ago Cycling 36.153 1513 Road 1
942484 Start Of Pass Clarenville CA 4 years ago Walking 0.466 33 Off-Road 1
2618554 Muddy Pond Circuif Oakham US 4 months ago Walking 3.265 26 Off-Road 1
1610284 Washington Central Rail Trail Cranston US 3 years ago Cycling 24.358 321 Mixed 1
1291231 Ware River Paddle Rutland Rutland US 3 years ago Other 1.293 4 Off-Road 1
1060896 Midstate Loop Douglas Douglas US 4 years ago Walking 5.952 81 Off-Road 1
1707740 Chem Hal Chelmsford GB 2 years ago Walking 15.424 65 Mixed 1
2504898 Keipot Nuwedorp ZA 7 months ago Cycling 13.508 379 Mixed 1
2504893 Saddle, Top Contour, Uitkyk Nuwedorp ZA 7 months ago Cycling 35.748 1143 Mixed 1
2234725 Dunnerholme Broughton West GB 1 year ago Running 18.574 109 Mixed 1
2288518 Local 40k Barberêche CH 1 year ago Cycling 39.718 655 Mixed 1
2281545 Home From Romont Romont (FR) CH 1 year ago Cycling 33.625 488 Mixed 1
1214208 Sunny Day Ride Bollington GB 4 years ago Cycling 43.115 470 Road 1
2686389 C10 Greenwich To Waterloo East Greenwich GB 2 months ago Cycling 9.833 27 Mixed 1
2354618 Canal Pursuit For Mental Health 2023 JEN Kawartha Lakes CA 1 year ago Running 19.427 109 Mixed 1
2728365 Withywood, Dundry And Highridge Hartcliffe GB 28 days ago Walking 4.711 138 Mixed 1
2719086 Bristol Sea Mills Circular Sea Mills GB 1 month ago Walking 5.085 71 Mixed 1
2714866 Chepstow Wye Walk To Chepstow GB 1 month ago Walking 3.439 85 Mixed 1
2714785 Bristol Kingswood To Hanham Via Magpie Bottom Kingswood GB 1 month ago Walking 2.395 10 Mixed 1
2714706 Noah's Ark To Tickenham Wraxall and Failand GB 1 month ago Walking 5.713 66 Mixed 1
2706659 Bristol Felton To Backwell Felton GB 1 month ago Walking 7.125 46 Mixed 1
2703209 Burrington Combe To Churchill Rickford GB 1 month ago Walking 5.038 148 Mixed 1
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